Example sentences of "being [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This large , three-engined , beast is being placed on a 21 year loan to the Dutch Military Aviation Museum at Kamp Zeist , near Soesterberg , where it will be displayed in Dutch Far East markings .
2 Likewise , scorch marks on kitchen worktops due to a hot pan being placed on a worktop is not considered as fire damage .
3 I refer to the decision of the Labour Group that in the first instance all Conference items should be submitted to the Labour Group Executive for approval before being placed on a committee agenda .
4 From 1 April this year , the vast majority of patients will be guaranteed admission to hospital within two years of being placed on a hospital waiting list .
5 It could be eg. through the accreditation of prior learning which is fast gaining ground , or by being credited with a learning outcome or two , or by being placed on a more advanced module .
6 Alerted by a slight sound , she again opened her eyes , turning her head slowly to see a cup and saucer being placed on a nearby small table .
7 The dogs , mostly mongrels , undergo a four-month training programme before being placed with a deaf person .
8 The miniature was much damaged by being placed near a large stove in the house of the defendant who was nevertheless held not liable to L.
9 This bout of ‘ insanity ’ led to his being placed in a padded cell .
10 Another early problem was to uncurl a twist in the fuselage due to the skins having been removed without the airframe being placed in a jig .
11 The recommendation following upon an assessment might result in a child with a hearing disability being placed in a local primary school rather than in a special unit for children who are deaf or partially hearing .
12 Most young girls of 25 would turn pale at the idea of being placed in a small Bolivian village where electricity and running water are next on the list of forthcoming attractions after sliced bread .
13 Most young girls of 25 would turn pale at the idea of being placed in a small Bolivian village where electricity and running water are next on the list of forthcoming attractions after sliced bread .
14 At a more analytical level , these micro-observations are being placed in a series of broader contexts .
15 In contrast , Jones ( 1989 ) argued that " only the most myopic enthusiasts for parent power can believe that this constituency [ the total number of 100,000 parent-governors ] will , by being placed in a quasi-market situation , automatically start operating as agents of that system " .
16 Ivor Stokle , 34 , a quantity surveyor , told a hushed Bristol Crown Court how he and his girlfriend , Mrs Pauline Leyshon , 43 , were kidnapped at knifepoint from a bungalow , beaten and bound before being placed in a blazing car which was pushed off a hillside .
17 The Advertiser was continuing to lose council advertising , Mr Isdale added , and public notices were now being placed in a recently established council newsletter .
18 They were only caught after being stopped for a burglary they did n't commit .
19 The eventual movie Black Legion followed the detail of the Detroit story in many respects although the idea of a member of the jury actually being recognized as a member of the Legion as had happened in Detroit was dropped .
20 He emphasized the need for single command of strategic forces and for a common foreign policy , with the Commonwealth being recognized as a subject in international law .
21 We have then no reason to be surprised if the distinction between ascription and association in adjectives is overlooked or mistakenly supposed to be a matter of " nuances of meaning " , rather than being recognized as a systematic variation .
22 A variety of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin , Sousa chinensis , is being threatened with extinction by the construction of Hong Kong 's new airport , just as it is being recognized as a distinct species .
23 This gives the little nest additional stability and so reduces the risk of it being overturned by a gust of wind .
24 Nevertheless an important start has been made and some students are being exposed to a segment of African literature .
25 The seeds are all the external influences that tend to throw us out of balance and they may affect us on any level of our being ; on the physical level it may be something simple like being exposed to a cold wind , getting soaked in the rain or even some form of trauma .
26 Dr John Bromley , senior partner at the practice , in Monkgate , York , admitted failing to prevent John being exposed to a hazardous substance and was fined £750 under the Health and Safety Act .
27 In that way more of our players are being exposed to a more demanding grade of rugby .
28 Zeng was deeply affected by being exposed to a wider range of photographic influences and styles during these years , but it took an exhibition of Cartier-Bresson 's work in Peking in 1987 to finally convince him that photographs could actually carry meaning and profundities just as a painting or a piece of music can .
29 The burial customs of the Parsi sect involve dead bodies being exposed on a grating at the top of a Tower of Silence .
30 I had thought that the one good thing about being posted to a permanent , that is a pre-war , RAF Station , was that at least the Waaf quarters should consist of solid , brickbuilt barracks and not the Nissen huts which had been my home so far .
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