Example sentences of "even if she could " in BNC.

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1 Even if she could not have so persuaded herself it would have made no difference .
2 Even if she could be brought to view his actions in his own light , he would remain for her the instrument of death .
3 And even if she could escape , what was there to go to ?
4 She was terrified that he would refuse , knowing she had n't the strength to force him , and would n't even if she could .
5 Even if she could have got him into one , which she very much doubted , there was no guarantee it could hold his weight without breaking .
6 It is unlikely to be in exactly the same position , even if she could find it , for during the night there is a great deal of jostling among the youngsters and any one of them may have moved about eighteen inches or so .
7 And while she was having a whisky and eating a piece of cake at eleven o'clock , in a hapless impulse to demonstrate and somehow fix her freebooting mood — though she saw the irrationality of it on a day that had begun with a clear insight that at least she would try to equal his thinness even if she could never hope to achieve the frugality of his expectations — just as she was leaving the last part of the cake , she would think of a better way to write the note .
8 He would n't look twice at a small-town girl , even if she could design wedding dresses .
9 To her shame , she 'd postponed her departure to Bordeaux until the last possible moment , hanging round Les Hiboux , hoping against hope that he would come there to find her — to say a formal goodbye at least , even if she could hope for nothing else , she 'd thought achingly .
10 Even if she could n't get a game , there 'd be something going on at the club , and it would be better than moping around at home .
11 As she watched the door swing gently to a close behind him , Lindsey was left with the crazy feeling that she must have imagined those few seconds when something , even if she could n't put a name to it , had passed between them .
12 After all , even if she could hardly bear to face another row , she was going to have to put a stop to all this nonsense , and as soon as possible .
13 And since she had no idea where to go yet , even if she could get off the island , the only course possible was to take things a step at a time and try not to rail against a spiteful fate .
14 But , even if she could find the nerve to admit to her deception , she could n't own up to a thing — Cara was depending on her !
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