Example sentences of "being [adj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In fact the sum is 0.99 , the error being due to rounding to two decimal places .
2 Statements of attainment could be set out in very general terms , permitting a great variety of learning routes and greater autonomy for teachers in the classroom , but they would run the risk of being uninterpretable by SAT developers and teachers , or , given the political imperative to produce national assessments , interpretable in an arbitrary fashion .
3 With an in-house database , the cost to the organization can be assessed as capital and ongoing , a major component being that of creating and maintaining the database .
4 With the advent of digital computers and the development of information theory in the 1940s and 1950s , this job was interpreted as being that of finding out how the nervous system ‘ encoded ’ reality in a digital form .
5 This he had done , according to the story , by finding the weight of water displaced first by the crown and then by an equal weight of pure gold , the measurement being that of weighing the water displaced from a full bowl .
6 On Friday 4th March we all went out of Peking by bus to spend a morning at a commune — part of the ‘ Open-Door Schooling ’ policy , the idea being that by interpreting for us at the commune , and by collecting information etc. , the students could improve their English , and also devise suitable English-teaching materials based on commune life .
7 They do so normally alongside another approach , the hope being that by putting the two ingredients together a synthesis will appear .
8 I admit to being guilty of slapping his face , in anger .
9 Returning to the consequences of overpublishing , I see the whole industry as being guilty of dissipating its precious financial resources with too much well-intentioned but misguided advertising and promotional activity spread across a plethora of titles .
10 Well , maybe ‘ blossom ’ is an exaggeration , but I told Gillian one or two of Oliver 's jokes , and we talked about being apprehensive over coming to the group , and then it emerged that she was half-French , and I had something to say about that , and the estate agent tried to bring in Germany but we were n't having any of it , and before I knew where I was I had half-turned my shoulder to exclude the other chap and was saying , ‘ Look , I know you 've only more or less just arrived , but you would n't like a spot of supper would you ?
11 One big mistake I made , being used to handling Dawn , was trying to walk the hawk all the way back to its perch .
12 Rosa Guy is also very descriptive and emotional in her writing , one of my favourite descriptions is on pages 53–54 which tells us how Mrs Aimsley has all her glasses set out on shelves and the higher the shelf , the more expensive the glass and of course not being used to drinking out of glasses , Imamu takes the most expensive type from which to drink milk and syrup and after washing and drying it , he put it back on the shelf , but as he takes his hand away , the glass tips over and falls , smashing on the sink .
13 I used to hide these three pennies because er not being used to having anything for nothing , when I 'd got two or three coppers , I 'd d I 'd find a little hiding place outside and this house had an outside wash house in the back and I used to hide them .
14 Even today , she does n't think he was being cruel in doing that .
15 Hair sometimes changes from being dry to becoming greasy at this age but as likely as not will revert later to its usual condition .
16 SERAFIN : Which you regard as being different from using it in private conversation ?
17 This power may be used , for example , where there is likely to be a delay in allocating the case to a named guardian on the panel or where the guardian is being dilatory in appointing a solicitor .
18 The White House scolds Congress for being dilatory in finding cash for Panama and Nicaragua .
19 There is no theoretical reason to suppose that a transition from labour market income to state benefit income induces the onset of dependency : indeed , logically the reverse should happen , as individuals shift from being dependent on finding employment in the labour market , to being in receipt of an independent income guaranteed by the taxable capacity of the state .
20 I had a flimsy recollection of being afraid of getting drowned ; now I had a flimsy suspicion that I might be buried under snow and never rise again to the surface .
21 Being afraid of going to hell after you die is one .
22 your point across and not being afraid of doing it
23 How you put your point across getting your point across and not being afraid of doing it , doing it effectively putting the point across , being positive in putting your point across so it 's all about putting your point across effectively , clearly congruously i.e. my body says what I mean .
24 There is too much busyness in schools , staff need ‘ dream time ’ too and also the security to try out ideas without becoming nervous about making mistakes or being afraid of failing .
25 One needs Ford Madox Ford 's emphasis on ‘ the Mediterranean basin , to understand that ‘ tovarisch ’ is being dignified by having his exploits measured against the myths of ancient Greece — for instance , that of Cadmus , founder of Thebes , who sowed dragon 's teeth from which sprang warriors which fought among themselves until only five remained .
26 I 'm starting to write about other things , but I 'm being careful about writing political things 'cos it 's really easy to sound preachy or too self-righteous in a song .
27 Maybe she was being foolish in placing so much importance on those brief few words she- and Billy had exchanged in the park .
28 He paused and the meeting observed a thirty-second silence in honour of Richard Fairley who had left the partnership a year previously for considerably more than a handful of silver , taking with him Regina Securities ' main reason for being interested in paying Yeo Davis 's bills .
29 The activities of a fan become intelligible if we can interpret them as being instrumental in establishing him in a particular role , or if such activities can be shown to be acceptable demonstrations of character and worth among his peers .
30 Howell has come to the fore this season , being instrumental in getting Civil Service into third place in the league behind Kelburne and Torbrex Wanderers with his impressive defensive record .
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