Example sentences of "even [conj] its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unquestionably it was ancient Rome 's greatest legacy to the medieval world , greater probably even than its literature and its poetry .
2 On this , as on other issues , the outcome of the Government actions has been good , even if its motives for seeking the reforms are suspect .
3 It was impossible to walk across the top and ignore the great panorama of London , even if its lights were obscured by the rain , even if the downpour was steadily soaking you .
4 East German tenure of such property would be secured even if its ownership reverted to the original owners .
5 An accident can result in some form of disablement or disfigurement and , even if its effects are only temporary , the human suffering involved can be intense .
6 By the late twelfth century the Papal State as a separate entity had been long established as a notion even if its boundaries were in a continual state of flux .
7 The two-hour spectacular took their breath away , even if its plot was not that far removed from the original .
8 Soviet leaders have given no indication , moreover , that they are prepared to abandon the PDPA and apparently expect its apparatus to be retained in post-settlement Afghanistan even if its role is reduced and its monopoly of power relinquished .
9 The law recognizes this and demands that care continue , even if its nature changes .
10 However , even if its impact has been modest , interactive video has at least helped to establish the effectiveness of multimedia .
11 Even if its policy advice role were reduced , the nation still needs managers of the best quality to run the public services .
12 Similarly , not every trade union liaises efficiently with its members , even if its officials are trying hard to defend jobs in their negotiations with the company .
13 The conclusion of the first section was that a just government can exist even if its subjects are not bound by a general obligation to obey it .
14 Even if its efficacy proves to be confined to symptomatic behaviour , and not cognitive improvements , this may well provide knock-on benefits in other treatment areas .
15 We know rather little about what kind of bargains are struck at the present time although inheritance is always a possible way of ensuring that the balance of support does not tip too much in one direction , even if its use is not spoken about openly .
16 An alternative to dates is to use a term like Romantic , even if its meaning seems to alter from writer to writer .
17 He rejected hot methods of evangelism by mission and believed that quiet rational exposition was the true Christian way even if its results were not spectacular .
18 It is understood that SFA regards an agreement as in writing for this purpose even if its terms are set out in a terms of business letter accepted merely by conduct ( which is especially important where the intermediary is not a private customer ) .
19 Even if its intentions have not always been realized , the second half of the 1980s has nevertheless witnessed renewed determination by central government to exercise greater direction over local authorities .
20 The Soviet Union was too big a problem even to begin thinking about seriously at that stage ; a military superpower still , even if its economy was falling apart and its politics were in uncertain flux from one-party dictatorship towards a multi-party democracy .
21 A grasshopper , slowly chewing a leaf-blade is suddenly struck by the clubbed end of a muscular tongue projected like a lance from the mouth of a chameleon ; a field mouse in the twilight of an English wood , searching for seeds , is transfixed by the curved talons of a pouncing owl and may be dead even before its captor 's beak begins to rip it apart ; a lizard in the Arizona desert , stabbed by the hypodermic fangs of a rattlesnake , is paralysed as venom is injected into its veins and it can offer no resistance as the snake takes it in its jaws and swallows it head-first .
22 What really amazed me was the way the hawk seemed to know out of which hole the rabbit was going to pop even before its ears appeared .
23 It was during this time that he was invited to the discussions of the CIV/n group , a gathering of poets of the more serious sort — and to some extent inspired by Ezra Pound 's revitalising energies , even as its name was culled from his writings — who had just launched a new poetry magazine of that name .
24 And even as its sound struck the cage about him , there was a crash and a judder and the sky was falling in upon him from the darkening night .
25 The moral code here was clear , even as its application was uneven .
26 To return to the case of the labour aristocracy , even when its position is out of line with its structural determination , ‘ this structural determination … is necessarily reflected in working-class practices ( ‘ class instinct ’ as Lenin used to say ) — practices that can always be discerned beneath its bourgeois ‘ discourse ’ , etc ’ .
27 For example , since boys are well adapted to tasks which require strenuous physical activity , there is a danger , if this behaviour is overgeneralized , that they are encouraged to develop the appearance of strength even when its exercise is not needed .
28 The preferences of the state are at least as important as those of civil society in accounting for what the democratic state does and does not do ; the democratic state is not only frequently autonomous insofar as it regularly acts upon its preferences , but also markedly autonomous in doing so even when its preferences diverge from the demands of the most powerful groups in civil society ( Nordlinger , 1981 , p. 1 ) .
29 Integrity becomes a political ideal when we make the same demand of the state or community taken to be a moral agent , when we insist that the state act on a single , coherent set of principles even when its citizens are divided about what the right principles of justice and fairness really are .
30 It produces wine of great finesse and penetrating perfume which can dominate an entire cuvée even when its presence might only be a small proportion of the whole .
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