Example sentences of "even [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Does my hon. Friend agree that that approach contrasts greatly with the latest approach from Brussels , which is that international bodies should be involved in deciding even where we erect a front porch ?
2 Even where we have no solution , as with the black rats , we must try to keep their numbers in check .
3 Even where we have overcome difficulties of technology and resources , as , for example , in producing multi-media stacks using Apple 's HyperCard ( or SuperCard ) , there is market resistance to purchasing what might otherwise come as public domain or ‘ shareware ’ and little that can be done to prevent illegal copying and resulting saturation of a limited market before costs are recovered .
4 More than three-quarters of those who are currently in post , even where they receive some remuneration , are amateurs in status , and in many cases in training as well , The extent and quality of their musical education is therefore extremely varied .
5 It is also true that there were moments , like the 1720s , the 1780s and to a lesser extent the 1750s , when their establishment was especially noticeable , but even where they existed , large numbers of claimants were still relieved at home .
6 On the one hand , the new owners of great country houses accepted the life of the landed gentleman , even where they had little land .
7 On Oct. 15 the US Representative for Trade Negotiations Carla Hills said in Washington that the USA had rejected EC proposals for " re-balancing " , which sought tariff increases on items such as oil seeds to offset cuts elsewhere , adding that the USA could " not tolerate " such an idea , which effectively allowed the re-imposition of tariffs , even where they had been negotiated away .
8 Numerically the Jamaicans form the majority of the Caribbean community in most parts of London as well as other large centres ; yet even where they do not , it is Jamaican which provides a focus for the Creole of black youth .
9 Even where they did , there was a fair degree of flexibility .
10 That congregations be given ample opportunity to sing in services , even where they have to be unaccompanied ( 528–529 , 540 ) .
11 On the other hand , even where they have decided , many agree with , partner in the commercial property department of Morton Fraser Milligan , that ‘ solicitors are still backward in pushing ourselves forward ’ .
12 First , there is evidence that men , even where they acknowledge that they have responsibilities to parents or children , often exercise those responsibilities through their wives .
13 Academic English was a recent invention , largely of the inter-war years ; and even where it existed it had commonly stopped with the early nineteenth century .
14 It was far easier than might now be supposed to remain ignorant of the deplorable housing in English cities , even where it affected the great majority , as in the London of Little Dorrit , with its 10,000 responsible houses and 50,000 lairs , ‘ where people lived so unwholesomely , that fair water put into their crowded rooms on Saturday night , would be corrupt on Sunday morning ’ .
15 Wheat was favoured , not merely because of its immediate importance as a basic food , but because it demanded least capital and least care , even where it meant wretched cultivations : only one-tenth of the cereal secano was farmed in regular rotations of wheat and legumes ; a quarter was cultivated only once every six or ten years .
16 Moreover , even where it has been demonstrated that long tails are costly but are preferred by choosy females , resolving how such preferences have evolved is difficult , particularly if females gain no direct benefits from their choice of mating partners .
17 Most parents are loath to talk about this situation , even where it exists .
18 There is little right of reply on radio and television and even where it exists it is not particularly likely to be heard by the audience of the original programme .
19 ‘ We have both learnt our dialectic in the academic arena where knocks that would frighten the London literary coteries are given and taken in good part ; and even where you think me sometimes too pert you will not suspect me of malice .
20 Even where you have more flexibility , such as constituency campaigning by local candidates , you may still need to choose your audiences and visitors carefully .
21 Even where you have to answer set questions — as in an exam — a choice between alternatives usually has to be made ; and not only do you have to pick a particular question to answer , but you also have to decide exactly what it is that the question is asking you to do .
22 This can be so even where you have not had to shop around for a more favourable report .
23 Even where he does show an interest in ‘ education ’ it is , as we have seen , only as a preventive device aimed at the public at large .
24 I could n't find out anything about him , not even where he lived , though I told him my entire address ( 17 Daffodil Cottages , Bourton-on-the-Water ) and my age ( nineteen ) and that my parents were in Saudi Arabia where my father was computerising oil production .
25 Robert O'Mahoney 's King , a ‘ dynamotologist ’ — ‘ self-realisation , you know ? ’ — is the picture of a man floundering around in the deep end of life , who has forgotten not only how to swim , but even where he left his life jacket .
26 The stairs creaked even where he placed his feet carefully at the wall side and the ludicrous self-portrait of himself as a householder properly armed with a poker going upstairs to hunt burglars made him stop to tauten his thoughts .
27 John and Isabel were happy in their marriage even although they had to go into hiding occasionally , with friends or on the muirs .
28 even though you know Even although you know it .
29 Practise writing even although you think you 're rotten at it .
30 In the second chapter of Philippians , a little bit before where we read , Paul 's describing the seriousness of the illness of his friend and companion , Ep Aproditus And even although he had written that the thought of his own death caused him no qualms whatever , when he was writing about his friend , Aproditus being at the point of death , he said , But God had mercy on him and not only upon him but on me also lest I should have sorrow on sorrow .
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