Example sentences of "those who were not " in BNC.

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1 Those who were not in the hand of God were the playthings of blind hazard .
2 Those who were not Christians were even more exposed to the belief that the dead might continue to harbour feelings , including , perhaps , feelings of resentment for injuries suffered in life .
3 Those who were not hard pressed and in no immediate danger of running at a considerable loss might have no strong incentive to vote in favour of a course which threatened them with heavy losses in the immediate future .
4 Those who were not , but rose by exceptional ability , were invariably the subject of unfavourable comment , and when successful ( as in the case of Archbishop Willigis of Mainz , 975–1011 ) , it was because their rule drew on the capital of the Adelsheiliger tradition .
5 Accomplished headers of the ball were less likely to suffer injury than those who were not as proficient , because they met the ball in a way which which imparted less strain .
6 Faced with such demand and having only limited powers and minimal resources the service was quickly forced on the defensive , making invidious distinctions between those who were amenable to ( deserving of ) help and those who were not .
7 The original division between those mentally handicapped children who were considered educable and those who were not formed some basis for the future classification of the mentally handicapped .
8 One of these , the Salle des Maréchaux , the principal reception room whose first floor windows with their balcony gave on to the gardens ( facing the Place de la took place within it could be watched by those who were not participating .
9 As always in such an undertaking , the art of organization lay in the avoidance of offending those who were not asked at a particular moment and in the ability to remember enmities and jealousies which could cause friction and poison the atmosphere if the wrong people found themselves together .
10 TWO researchers at the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge were impressed , as I was , by the experiments at Yale which showed that the smell of chocolate helped subjects to remember words more efficiently than those who were not exposed to the smell .
11 For the benefit of those who were not part of this scene , there was enormous and very real concern among the ruling classes that the whole of the young generation had fallen into a degenerative backslide which , of course , it had not .
12 As usual , ideas associated with ‘ life ’ generated much emotion , especially in those who were not anxious to define their words accurately .
13 Frank Laczko and Chris Phillipson show how the emergence of retirement in the twentieth century created a sharp dividing line between those who were seen to be actively part of the community and those who were not .
14 The authors ' argument may be put more technically now : they suggested that there was an interaction in the effect that certain provoking agents had upon the risk of clinical depression ; these agents operated much more strongly on women who were in a vulnerable condition than on those who were not .
15 Whatever the differences between them , however , those who were not attached to religious organizations saw sport and recreation as the ‘ first reasons ’ for their existence .
16 When the groups were matched for those with and without a history of previous attempts , the difference between patients admitted to the Centre and those who were not persisted .
17 Children who were slow to walk or slow to walk and talk had significantly lower IQ scores and experienced greater reading difficulties than those who were not delayed in walking or talking .
18 But the appeal of the romantic movement does not explain why those who were not party to it , such as Michael Faraday , who was a visionary and wrote beautifully , have been completely written out of conventional histories of 19th century Britain , as if he ( and David Brewster and Thomas Henry Huxley and the rest ) were just peripheral figures , keeping things ticking along so that statesmen could make grand decisions and the widening of human understanding could be left to poets .
19 Until recently , the sea crossing — in a flat-bottomed former Rhine riverboat , called the Pirata Azul — could cause concern to those who were not good sailors as the channel could be very rough indeed .
20 Again , it was mainly older people and those who were not using credit who said this .
21 All at once people began ‘ shushing ’ and those who were not ‘ shushing ’ were commenting on Mum 's behaviour .
22 Moreover , since the 1788 petitions were not part of a movement pursuing significant change in the political system or attacking the range of government policy , the application of humanitarian and general interest criteria to a question of trade probably appeared relatively innocuous to those who were not directly involved .
23 The element of ego-boosting and prestige associated with the headhunter 's call has not been lost on employers , even those who were not headhunted themselves .
24 No master of a workhouse was allowed ‘ on any pretence ’ to confine by chains or manacles any poor person of sound mind ; by implication , they could do so for those who were not .
25 On the other hand , should a change take place in the Administration , opportunities were created for those who were not established in the ministerial waiting list , and pressure could be increased upon the member of parliament to actively solicit preferment for his own constituents .
26 Though not wishing to detract from Campling 's writing , I wish to point out that many of the reactions , feelings , and transferences that she mentions also apply to those who were not sexually abused but ‘ only ’ emotionally abused .
27 The Maud Committee , for example , distinguished between councillors who were members of a political party and those who were not , but did not take the analysis any further .
28 There were those who were not .
29 Those who were not dead marched away into captivity .
30 In contrast with earlier discussions and orders , which treated all " Cossacks " and " Russians " as an entity , it certainly allows for some distinction to be drawn between those who were liable for repatriation and those who were not — hence , for instance , the ruling that the White Russian Schutzkorps was to be excluded .
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