Example sentences of "those with [pron] they " in BNC.

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1 They are not aware of all such emissions , however , from all plants and other creatures — just those with which they have close ties .
2 First , they may pick and choose among organized groups those with which they are keen to associate for political reasons , giving them consultation rights and access to decisions at an early stage .
3 This approach does not place the emphasis upon the problems with which solicitors do deal , but upon those with which they could deal .
4 It is of course not easy and there are few ready-made answers for a church group trying to provide bereavement care for all those with whom they come in contact , some of whom will have family members who have committed suicide .
5 Mercifully the number of people who suffer to this extent is small and their need for help is usually recognized by those with whom they come into contact .
6 Bank references are sought by companies to ensure that those with whom they are trading are solvent and can pay for goods and services supplied to them .
7 They might rediscover the space between words and the gulf between them and those with whom they live .
8 It is because they make the decisions that they are often under sharp pressure both from those above them in the hierarchy who allocate resources and from those with whom they deal who want to receive them .
9 Successful hedonists are , for short periods , very sensitive to the feelings of those with whom they talk , drink or make love , postpone the question ‘ Am I getting as much as I am giving ? ’ , and do not revert to egoism until the party is over .
10 The directorate of a company has a responsibility to those with whom they deal as people rather than just as instruments of profit .
11 A directorate and management will succeed only if they have the trust of those with whom they work — the need to develop a common involvement is important .
12 The kids who have experienced the problems of occupational discrimination and believe their opportunities are limited make their beliefs public to those with whom they most identify — in this case , other blacks .
13 They may also wish to use this paper to invite discussion and reflection among themselves and those with whom they work at local level .
14 This has happened naturally enough , because it reflects the habits of those with whom they were disputing .
15 The last group were important not only for their commercial activities but also because of their different religious and cultural background , which influenced those with whom they came into contact .
16 The act of suicide among younger people is indeed often an act of anger against those with whom they live , and who have failed to solve their problems .
17 Erm convergence erm they describe as Individuals shift their speech styles to become more alike that of those with whom they are interacting .
18 Transformation is preferred over transaction by those who believe that participative decision-making is crucial , but most managers — and the Earley and Fletcher-Campbell study underlines this — prefer to operate in both styles according to the nature of the task and the attitudes of those with whom they work .
19 Many young Germans , with that strong national instinct for cameraderie , regarded their periods of recuperation at rest camps , set amid the glorious woods and hills of Alsace and spent in the company of those with whom they had shared the common experience of Verdun , as among the more idyllic moments of the war .
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