Example sentences of "those who could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of official sanction , however , the ground already covered in the development of school-based consultative in-service programmes may itself offer the wanted training opportunities for special needs post-holders and those who could give them support in their turn .
2 But those who could speak English spoke no Welsh aloud in Shrewsbury in those days , for feeling was running all the higher because the two races bred and mingled so closely here , and it was well to be known as a loyal king 's man , and indulge other sympathies only in low voices round the hearth , or better still , in silence within the heart .
3 Non-swimmers wore coloured bathing hats ; those who could swim at least a length wore white hats , those who had passed the bronze medal wore black caps , and a very few wore silver for the silver medal .
4 Alice 's Restaurant ( 1969 ) had an obvious appeal for those who could identify with a communal haven for hippies , and Little Big Man would continue to reveal his preoccupation with the outsider by seeing the Cheyenne as ‘ ethnic ’ hippies who contrasted favourably with white civilisation .
5 And those who could dragged themselves clear to re-form and charge with him .
6 Ada and Daisy 's task was to hand round food , and to talk to those who could manage some conversation .
7 It should not , Mr Mayor , definitely not be used simply as an easy option for those who could manage quite happily to provide for themselves , either renting or buying in the private sector but instead choose to let the state provide .
8 Like other movements to bring about change in the same period antislavery had to find ways of attracting the attention and gaining the support of those who could advance the cause .
9 The Foreign Office minister , Mr Francis Maude dismissed the Opposition 's bitter criticism of last week 's deportations , saying it came from those who could stand on the sidelines wringing their hands and decrying what was done .
10 Those who could stand the pace flourished ; those who could not went to the wall .
11 There was dappled shade for those who preferred it or , by moving just a little , the afternoon sun for those who could stand the heat .
12 The private sector , however , had no intention of extending coverage to those who could offer it little or no return on their balance sheet .
13 Those who could feed themselves had at least had the choice of not eating the tapioca that they disliked and going hungry .
14 He was contemptuous of those who could think and talk of nothing but party politics and political careers , but his own talk ( and presumably his own thought ) was much about the penumbra of government and the idiosyncrasies of politicians .
15 Those who could smell the pheromone either loved it or hated it .
16 Further on were those who were compelling to listen to ; and above them were those who could make you laugh , too .
17 On 16 April the House Budget Committee reported out a budget resolution that incorporated $15.8 billion in cuts — $20 billion less than the administration had requested — and the battle was now joined for the votes of those who could make or break the president 's programme , the Gypsy Moths and the Boll Weevils .
18 When the tables had been cleared and those who could do so had entertained the rest with songs and recitations , the whole company settled down for a sing-song .
19 For those who could do so , to subscribe to the militant slogans of Pravda was not the same as to accept the party line on every issue , still less that of Lenin .
20 The marriage of a blind gipsy girl touched the hearts of every woman in Swinbrook and all those who could attended the wedding in Christian Timms 's small chapel .
21 Prisoners were loaded with irons , which made walking and sleeping painful or near impossible ; gaolers would , of course , grant dispensation for those who could pay sufficient to have them removed .
22 This would involve identifying those who could satisfy criteria or competence and reliability , and encouraging them by removing some of the administrative restrictions now applying .
23 Those who could commit suicide , directly or indirectly , were doing so ; in this War , suicide was the only way to resist the call-up .
24 Important or insignificant , customs appointments were , however , obtainable only by those who could expect a political favour , and many of the officers were in fact the nominees of a member of parliament and often the active partisans of that politician .
25 Finding those who could adopt a child is the pressing need of today , especially as we Catholic Caring Services , need all sorts of families from all sorts of religious and cultural backgrounds for all sorts of children .
26 It could be copied only either by those of nearly equal wealth or by those who could concentrate their resources chiefly on defence — princes , great bishops or , in the south especially , towns .
27 Those who could moved to the window and looked with shocked surprise at fires , fed by municipal deck chairs and the contents of thousands of bin bags , blazing along the Promenade .
28 Those who could live on savings for a few weeks or months were ‘ that rare class ’ .
29 Wo n't be too many places he 'd be remembered these days , all those who could remember him are dead , or trying to die .
30 Richard Mayo in a book of mainly spiritual advice to servants first published in 1693 , advises those who could read to teach the skill to others .
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