Example sentences of "those [noun pl] who [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In 1348 they demanded free trade in wool , and in 1351 achieved a definitive victory when the king agreed that the maltote should be granted only in parliament and that all merchants should be permitted to deal in wool ‘ without being restricted by those merchants who call themselves the king 's merchants ’ .
2 He could be but not the sort of merchant you 're thinking of there were lots of merchants in those days those merchants who build up places like they were Greek merchants , in fact they were called merchant venturers were n't they ?
3 I can already hear the objections from those clubs who have a few players tied up with the Championship .
4 Mr R. Melbourne of Loughborough wins our first £25 award by asking you for a list of those clubs who have won the old First Division title and also played in the Fourth Division .
5 ‘ Next season we must consider playing fixtures in midweek under the floodlights of those clubs who have the facilities during October , November , February and March to prevent any large backlog of matches again .
6 The conjunction of low inflation and low unemployment came as a very pleasant surprise to those Keynesians who had feared that a policy commitment by governments to the goal of full employment would create an environment in which organized labour would press for ever higher levels of money wages .
7 Most editors and journalists are perfectly honest about the fact that when they need help they tend to go to those PROs who have been helpful in the past .
8 Ho ho Keith , some wags at the NME have taken to calling MAW ‘ musicians against success ’ because — get this — those musicians who 've had the guts to stand up and be counted like Sinead O'Connor , The Farm , Carter USM , Cud , Billy Bragg , Lisa Stansfield , The Stones , Lush , Orbital and Soho are all ‘ failures that no-one 's heard of ’ .
9 She especially loved any opportunity to contradict those interviewers who assumed that , as the company which bore her name was so successful , she must be an ardent feminist .
10 ‘ This man is of no more use to the world than those artists who came to fawn on me and scrape a little importance for themselves .
11 Last month PHILIP VANN looked at artists who had come up from the mines to become artists ; in this issue he concentrates on those artists who went down to the pit to paint
12 For him it was a matter of great moment , for he was one of those artists who hold that the energy of artistic creation is itself erotic , indeed ( in his most extreme formulations ) positively genital .
13 This metaphysical commitment came under scrutiny not only from those artists who refused to be limited by the laws of perspective but also from ‘ scientists ’ and ‘ philosophers ’ .
14 The museum function of the Neue Galerie will be explored through the work of those artists who deal in the language of art : the museum as a box of wonders is a theme developed by Paolini , Gerhard Merz , Kosuth and Steinbach .
15 Robert Grosvenor is one of those artists who give new meaning to the term ‘ raw material ’ , using as he has over the years wooden beams — stacked , splintered , split and variously arrayed over the floor .
16 A child screaming is expressing itself , or like those artists who daub things in the West — they say they are expressing themselves . ’
17 ‘ It would be no trouble for us , maybe , but it 'd trouble those gorgios who pass along the road and they 'd start complaining about us .
18 While it was vital to be well turned out , the young gallant should beware of imitating those fops who spent their time building huge and elaborate turbans : men like Mirza Abu Said , a great amir under Shah Jehan , who was so fastidious in the construction of his head-wraps that the Imperial Durbar had usually finished by the time he had finished tying it all together .
19 At present even those authorities who support the concept of advocacy tend to wait to be approached by a local voluntary group before initiating a project .
20 Authorities as a whole divided themselves clearly into three groups ( see Table 19 ) : firstly , those who said that one person or a small specified group allocated the equivalent of a quarter of their time to training , secondly , those authorities who estimated a smaller amount of one person 's time ( normally 10–15% and most commonly Deputy or Assistant Chiefs ) and thirdly , those allocating largely nominal ( or no responsibility ) for training .
21 On , on the point of representation , in fact , er , I think there have been representations made already be those authorities who felt they were disadvantaged in the first case , and so what you 've seen with , using this method of distribution , is a switch actually , of expenditure to London boroughs , London boroughs felt that they had lost , er , in the first round of S T G , but now if you look at the overall spread they and the er , Mets have gained .
22 ‘ The experience of those authorities who have contained the increase to manageable levels shows what can be done . ’
23 Hence sociologists of the police ( and of crime and deviance generally ) were first among those researchers who led the revision of the concept of bureaucracy ( beginning with Bittner 1965 ) .
24 So there is little difficulty in believing those researchers who conclude from a study of the detailed structure of both adult and larva that the flatworms are descended from simpler organisms like corals and jellyfish .
25 Although Ruellan ( 1971 ) distinguished between those researchers who attach great importance to the geomorphological processes of erosion and deposition ( allochthonists ) and those who attribute the major characteristics of soils to pedological processes ( autochthonists ) , Gerrard ( 1981 ) in his treatment of soils and geomorphology argues that soils are the results of the interaction of both sets of processes .
26 Briefly summarised , our scheme is likely to be attractive to those researchers who have reached a stage in their careers , either young post docs or those of more mature years , where they want to try something new or unconventional .
27 In addition , they suggested that the effectiveness of the annual accountant 's report in giving early warning of possible default could be re-examined in the light of the Law Society 's experience of those solicitors who had already been made subject to this requirement as a condition of their receiving a practising certificate .
28 Discussion on its own is insufficient and it requires legitimization by those institutions who hold this facility ( universities , examination boards , employers and society at large ) . ’
29 The striking price will be paid to those shareholders who offered to sell their shares either at or below that price .
30 Hence the puzzle : the biggest and most immediate beneficiaries of the takeover boom of the 1980s — that is , those shareholders who sold to bidders — were retired Americans , present and future .
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