Example sentences of "those [noun pl] that [be] " in BNC.

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31 Natural selection does favour those animals that are most successful in the competition for resources , but that does not mean it favours unrestrained aggression .
32 The Euro Cities Conference was also important because it was the founding of that organisation formally and it was important to go there and say to the big monopoly that 's emerging between some of the Western European cities , the big six , Birmingham , Barcelona , Frankfurt , Rotterdam , Milan and Strasbourg , that they were n't gon na get it all their own way and they were n't going to monopolise those funds that were available for links with Eastern Europe .
33 And while one would like to think that opting out might allow schools greater freedom to develop their own distinctive philosophy , it seems probable that the vetting of proposals for opting-out will allow only those schools that are choosing to be more , not less , traditional , to do so .
34 An examination should be made of those outputs that are measurable and the costs involved : this information is needed to assess efficiency and effectiveness .
35 The only certainty is that those nations that are victorious will write what is later termed ‘ history ’ , and will do it in such a way as to justify their actions .
36 Now the I 'm just trying to think of some some of those pictures that are in there now there was one , it was that size or in a pair like that lovely looking pictures
37 The danger in this , as in the previously described case of the GCSE examinations , is that such targets can all too easily omit those qualities we most value in favour of the ones that can readily be measured , or lead to children being given a much narrower syllabus geared to achieving only those aspects that are going to be assessed .
38 It is well worth putting aside a portion of your points to buy magic standards , for those units that are permitted them , and magic items for your leaders .
39 One example they give is that of Home Office statistics on drug addicts that show only those addicts that are registered .
40 The provisions that he refers to are in the agreement that we have signed , which provides greater safeguards than before to ensure that the Community deals with those matters that are most appropriately dealt with by the Community and that other matters are left to national Parliaments .
41 Now I do n't think of us here and neither , certainly myself , I I would not claim to be any form of artist or expert but I think a lot of us can enjoy er getting our hands dabbling with paint erm paper mâché and other activities and in fact having that opportunity of ex enjoying those experiences that 's we ought to be able to offer to people in Cambridge and many peop children in schools they they do get opportunities but I think particularly amongst older people who 've never had that opportunity and I think you should be do so .
42 ‘ Companies that will observe the Code are by and large acting honourably at present , ’ he said , ‘ and those companies that are not will find ways around the spirit of the Code . ’
43 Look out , all those companies that are eagerly playing in the digital cellular telephony market with Time Division Multiple Access technology : the King of Prussia , Pennsylvania-based InterDigital Patents Corp unit of InterDigital Communications Corp says it has engaged the law firm of Dickstein Shapiro & Morin to represent it in connection with possible patent infringement litigation to enforce its portfolio of 32 US patents on the technology .
44 If shares are priced accurately then the market will be allocatively efficient in terms of channelling funds towards those companies that are the most productive .
45 Men make the large-scale decisions affecting the family , while women only control those areas that are strictly ‘ domestic ’ .
46 I think if you compared people who are struggling with very little resources with very low incomes , and with er living in areas of kind of multiple deprivation , erm , then you would , you would find that maybe people in those circumstances have higher rates of of trouble and sometimes it 's er it 's also those areas that are more heavily policed that children are more likely to be picked up in , and picked on .
47 I 'm thinking actually of here in the university itself , we 've got three different groups in those areas that are now collaborating , and I think we 've got a good chance of _ especially in the area of schools curricula — but also in the area , I think , of helping business people , and I 'm thinking now of senior management , who might be your and my age , Brian , for whom computers did n't exist when we went through university or college , erm who 've probably more or less given up any hope of understanding it and understanding the computer boffins who have taken over — almost taken over the company at times , one suspects .
48 Nutritionists and cartographers still draw the so-called ‘ hunger line ’ through Asia and the Americas ; the poorer people who live in those countries that are sandwiched between Mexico and Chile , and between North Korea and New Guinea , exist on diets of fewer than 2,250 calories a day , and thus go to bed each night hungry .
49 Wallerstein elaborated the concept of the semi-periphery to describe such countries , and this idea has been picked up by many scholars as a useful tool in analyzing the NICs and , increasingly , those countries that are on the fringes of the First World , but not exactly in the Third World , like Ireland , Portugal , and the Balkan states ( for example , Mouzelis , 1986 ) .
50 It is also alleged that those countries that are in surplus in relation to intra-EC trade in manufactures have also gained from the CU effect .
51 Those countries that are not self sufficient , who ca n't afford to have erm , er , expensive agricultural support policies in place .
52 A different mechanism has been suggested for those viruses that are already enclosed within a membrane in their free-living state .
53 However , plumes are generally enriched in those elements that are enriched in the Earth 's crust , and studies of radiogenic isotopes showed that this enrichment must have occurred hundreds , if not thousands , of millions of years ago .
54 Those lambs that are not expected to fetch a top price on the home market may well be ideally suited for export .
55 And only those gypsies that are here already , or their dependents , can use the site .
56 Even those governments that were in the vanguard of the urging for greater union were guilty at times of dragging their heels when OEEC proposals and policies seemed likely to have an adverse effect upon the national economy .
57 Initially , she rushed the lines and failed to realise those pauses that are so special in Russell 's comic dialogue .
58 What what do you remember specially a about those days that was different ?
59 well it was n't in those days that were a good programme on , on Court today was n't it ?
60 Similarly , in those organisations that are becoming increasingly reliant upon information technology then those with computing skills may become more powerful .
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