Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Get those who are with you on the mat to sit down so that the emergency services have a clear view across the area and can move quickly in the event of accident .
2 In the morning , when Elisha 's young servant discovered the surrounding troops , he reported his alarm to his master , to be told , ‘ ’ Fear not , for those who are with us are more than those who are with them . ’
3 In the morning , when Elisha 's young servant discovered the surrounding troops , he reported his alarm to his master , to be told , ‘ ’ Fear not , for those who are with us are more than those who are with them . ’
4 ‘ People who have the most power over him — power 's the wrong word , influence — are those who are with him every day .
5 Those who are with Him , those who are not , and those who know neither way and have to spend their lives in the torment of doubt . ’
6 We pray for pilgrims , those who are here , those who are with us through radio transmission , for all who in life 's pilgrimage seek to follow Jesus ; help us to follow Jesus , and with Your help be triumphant ; grant us the wisdom to know and the courage to do Your will .
7 You ca n't , for if you are to have those who are above the average , you must have those who are below the average .
8 You ca n't , for if you are to have those who are above the average , you must have those who are below the average .
9 Those who are above the quota at this stage are instantly deemed elected .
10 To avoid clashes with A levels , first year sixth formers as well as those who are between school and university ought to consider entering .
11 Those who are to be returned to unit as unsuitable can come overland together with those who will be required to form a second squadron to operate in a later phase . ’
12 ‘ The most obvious way to begin is through the education of those who are to be citizens ’ .
13 The latest TOPS report and accounts list the participating employers as all those who are to be sold off under the Bill .
14 Therefore , the majority of those who are to be made redundant will either have their own homes or will buy them shortly after .
15 Those who are to be brought out will receive the best of care .
16 As this Report has noted , people of other faiths or of no faith , as well as Christians , are used by God to mediate his gift of music , and those who are not believers are as capable as those who are of responding to the power of religious music .
17 At the present point in time there are those who are of the opinion that no sacrifice is too great for our democracy , least of all the sacrifice of democracy itself to the power of the judges and enslaving legal limitations .
18 For the same reason , one does not normally restrict the denominator population to those who are of appropriate age and single . )
19 This is as true for those who , like those in FYT 's full-time staff team , serve God 's servants , as it is for those who are at the sharpest end .
20 They will have to prove to the Society that at least 15 minutes of their music has been played each year — fine enough for those who write lengthy pieces , but much more difficult for those who are at heart and in practice miniaturists .
21 As one of the trustee members explains , ‘ He 's the godfather of the school that believes nutrition should target the population as a whole , not just those who are at risk ’ .
22 These people will constitute those who are at greatest risk , in that such people can easily go missing from a large church without being missed until it is too late to recover them .
23 This was unkind of Lydia , for Betty was not popular with men , which was another reason for Lydia to dislike her , since Lydia was one of those women who find something contaminating in ugliness and prefer to mingle only with those who are at least as attractive as themselves .
24 To extend higher education opportunities for those who are at present under-represented in higher education .
25 Lord Jesus Christ , you have promised perfect liberty to those who trust you ; we cry to you for those who are at this moment enslaved by their need to take drugs .
26 Whilst the law is designed to give succour in times of difficulty to those who do their best , it will show little mercy to those who are at the receiving end of proceedings who can not demonstrate that they have given the highest priority .
27 There is , even with a relatively sophisticated system of cross-phase planning , the difficulty that the children who are directly affected are those who are at the top of the primary school and at the youngest end of the secondary age range .
28 If the Government accepts and consults with those who are at the litigation coal face it could create truly radical and effective changes . ’
29 The head also needs to reward those who are on the right lines through drawing attention to successes , prominently displaying thank you letters on the staff room notice board , using time to convince , cheer , direct , push and urge .
30 He envies too the regularity , the normality of a life at sea and the unique relation of those who work it with the element by which they are surrounded : ‘ The water opens and closes continuously , and only those who are on board know that they have really passed through .
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