Example sentences of "many [n mass] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Over the last couple of months many folk have requested to know more about the BMS World Mission Link ( WML ) and our link partners the Collict and Meikle families .
2 Many fish have found a neat solution to this problem .
3 Many people have felt this summer that a night in the packed to bursting Gouter refuge has been enough to turn anyone to narcotics .
4 Arguments about merit have never really gone away , and many people have felt that the extra effort put in by the best students need to be recognised .
5 Many people have noted how the police are not helpful in initiating research or in welcoming sociologists ( Greenhill 1981 : 91 ; Holdaway 1979 : 1 , 1983 : 3–4 ) .
6 This is probably due in part to the fact that so many people have gone looking for it .
7 We are still far from the " permissive society " which is fantasised alike by the prurient and the repressive ; but many of the taboos and at least a part of the secrecy and guilt feeling which surrounded sexual considerations in the earlier lifetime of many people have gone .
8 ‘ So many people have said to me over the years that it is very sad I never bore Norman a child , that I only ever had stepchildren to love .
9 Many people have said , ’ How wonderful , there will be no register . ’
10 How many people have said that they 're going so far ?
11 Many people have heard the name of Richard Baxter , but know little about him .
12 How many people have heard of the Clun Railway ?
13 Kumi ( 22 ) , said : ‘ Many people have heard and read what happened and have offered us all kinds of help .
14 Many people have kept leopards that they have hand-reared from cubs .
15 More promising as a building type for conversion into living accommodation , as many people have recognised is the barn .
16 Too many people have seen us over the past two or three days so anything I do will be linked to you .
17 Many people have seen Charlotte waiting for Albert , or her ghost who refuses to leave this station .
18 Many people have viewed and bought a house in a quiet lane during the summer , only to find , in October , that the lovely field behind the house in fact belongs to a school and is filled with playing children for most of the year .
19 There are many similarities with beach starting , indeed many people have taught themselves by performing increasingly deeper versions of the beach start , The water start is divided into two parts ; the rig recovery and the start itself .
20 Many people have employed a variety of mouse and rat poisons without stopping to think that the initial effect of such toxins is to slow down the victim which then becomes an easy target for a hunting cat .
21 Many people have noticed how she looks at you .
22 Many people have condemned Herod as a cruel man and certainly he showed a cruel streak , especially towards his own family .
23 ‘ No doubt many people have complained about the difficulty of the question .
24 Many people have suffered from sales falling through and from house-buying chains , and some of our vendors feel that now 's as good a time as any to sell . ’
25 Many people have made substantial personal fortunes in the past few years , Mr Palumbo writes in the council 's annual report , and having inherited the mantle of the great patrons of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , they should acknowledge their responsibilities by returning a portion of their good fortune to the community .
26 ‘ The fact is that many people have made substantial personal fortunes in the last few years , and with encouragement and the lowest income tax rate for 50 years , I believe they will be prepared to acknowledge their privileged position and return to the community a portion of their good fortune .
27 There is some evidence that salt is bad and many people have cut salt intake in recent years .
28 Many people have developed their own ways of preparing them selves , such as rehearsing what they are going to do in their mind .
29 Jacqueline Sanchez , of the Ministry of Education , also points out that ; ‘ Over the years , since the revolution , many people have become much more demanding as far as education is concerned , and despite all the difficulties , are more critical and expect more of their schools . ’
30 Recently many people have become more concerned about what goes into the food we eat .
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