Example sentences of "many [noun pl] of life " in BNC.

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1 Though the synapsids survived the end of the Permian , many forms of life suffered mass extinctions .
2 However , this is not to say that many forms of life have not been able to adapt to life on slopes up to the 10,000-ft ( 3,050 m ) level , and in some cases higher .
3 Foundations are important in many realms of life .
4 Jews had to experience forms of discrimination in many walks of life .
5 The steady growth of the grip of family members on so many walks of life had a stifling effect on initiative , which had hardly been encouraged before 1965 .
6 There is a longstanding belief , in many walks of life , that basic preparation should suffice for a lifetime of practice .
7 If you have specialised in Law in your University , Polytechnic or College , your knowledge will give you a useful background in many walks of life .
8 In fact , power in many walks of life was delegated to members of the business elite and business organizations which became part of the state apparatus ( Miliband 1969 , pp. 87–96 ) .
9 It arose , actually , the book , from a course in fact erm for current practicising engineers that we ran here at Sussex and indeed are still running , and engineers from many walks of life , different sort of areas of interest , have attended and I think found a lot of benefit from attending the course , so suppose it 's aim primarily was someone with a background knowledge of engineering in its broadest sense , but
10 That is because it touches on many aspects of life that are deeply important to us :
11 During the Second World War , many aspects of life in the US army were investigated , including the degree of social mobility in the army and attitudes towards promotion policies and opportunities .
12 The laws cover ritual and worship and many aspects of life — but all seen in relation to him .
13 This in itself was important in enlarging the involvement of government with many aspects of life in Britain .
14 Johnson considered as many aspects of life here as he could possibly think of , or so it seems : and Boswell recorded Johnson with similar energy .
15 The editorial notes , which commented , often with scorching indignation , on many aspects of life in Wales , aroused considerable interest and feeling and contributed greatly to the character and impact of the journal .
16 He possessed a wonderful gift of story telling and could talk and write with authority on many aspects of life especially music and Irish folklore .
17 Many necessities of life were hard to find or more expensive than before the war ; even motor fuels , derived from the one substance the country possessed in abundance , rose in price as the war pursued its course .
18 I think it is sad that in so many areas of life , we have allowed our society to be so fragmented .
19 There may be ( in fact , there are ) many areas of life in which the position of black Americans and other minorities needs to be improved .
20 A person 's position in a stratification system may have important effects on many areas of life .
21 Memoirs , biographies , letters didactic works , newspapers , fiction , ephemera and relics of the changing life-style will be explored to identify the new concerns and responses in many areas of life , intra-family and intra-personal relationships , perceptions of the individual 's obligations to society and state , religions and cultural sensibilities and the image of the good life .
22 The rapid introduction of microelectronics-based technologies has been widely predicted to bring about profound changes in many areas of life .
23 ‘ I think you have many sources of life , ’ said Franca , ‘ but I am touched by your gratitude . ’
24 Thesiger 's life in Kenya is spartan with few possessions , but many memories of life with Marsh Arabs and Bedu nomads , memories he 's delighted to share with Oxford .
25 There are many spheres of life where ethnic groups are faced by discriminatory practices , including recruitment to jobs , relationships with fellow workers , access to housing and contact with the police .
26 Confidence , or lack of it , plays a significant part in many facets of life but was especially important in one-man businesses .
27 London 's Docklands over the centuries has seen many ways of life come and go , but one has remained ; that of pests .
28 In another analogy , our mind can be thought of as a huge tapestry in which the many episodes of life were originally isolated and there was no relationship between the parts ; but at last we must make a unified scene of our whole life .
29 This aquatic ferris wheel churns the Bay 's waters into a brackish and turbid soup — an inhospitable place for many types of life .
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