Example sentences of "many [noun pl] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Many institutions make their own audio recordings of dialogues .
2 ‘ Apparently after Naylor had spent hours checking around my old haunts without success , he finally got lucky when someone recalled having many times seen my car parked outside this block of flats .
3 How many times had my heart sunk when I asked if we could go somewhere or try something new in our poems and he had answered with the excusing phrase ‘ I guess not ’ ?
4 He laughed with forced heartiness , as limping badly he began to walk along the corridor , leading the way , and Hari realized that he had used the laugh many times to conceal his true feelings .
5 Always one of the most emotional of players , she has many times used her frustration during matches to entertain .
6 Continued financial pressure on the NHS has led many authorities to reduce their long stay provision or to buy places within the private sector , which are often cheaper than their own beds .
7 How many planets has our sun got that we know about because there might be some we do n't know .
8 Unresponsive export markets led many houses to turn their attention inwards and focus on long-neglected domestic sales .
9 I am a gardener of the physical who spend many hours tending my flowers but I am also a mental gardener and spend even more hours tending transcendent flowers .
10 Over two thirds of Japanese car workers operate in multi-skilled teams , compared with just 10 per cent in the UK , and the land of the risen yen puts in two and a half times as many hours training its new workers in those skills .
11 If , in addition , they could hire for private patients the very expensive facilities in the way of X-ray machines , operating theatres and the like , to be found within the National Health Service , this too made their lives very much easier and in many cases made their private practice a possibility .
12 Efforts to make places more accessible have resulted in a proliferation of signposts , turnstiles , fences , car parks , souvenir shops and snack bars which do nothing to enhance the beauty of an area , but in many cases spoil its character as well as the environment .
13 They departed , as in the cases of Buxton , Hastings and Morgan and Phipson , from the arrangements that they had devised for themselves , and in many cases ignored their professional advisers .
14 The Thirties Society has tried to counteract the brewers ' failure to understand the potential assets represented by their 20th century buildings , but since so few pubs are listed many cases escape our notice .
15 Many attempts to evaluate its effectiveness have shown little or no benefit , possibly due to methodological problems .
16 When the film Jaws came out , there were many attempts to explain its hold over the audience .
17 He had made many attempts to put his arms around me , but I had always evaded him .
18 He ignored Tessa 's many attempts to change his notorious toupee .
19 How many birds did my true love send to me on the twelfth day of Christmas ?
20 Despite these dangers many birds find their way back to the same spots year after year .
21 In New York most beach pollution comes from overloaded storm drains , while in Europe , particularly in the southern countries , many cities discharge their sewage into the sea without treating it at all .
22 Many employers allow their staff to work on a flexi-time basis which , while providing staff with an obvious perk , can be an administrative nightmare for management .
23 Far too many States satisfy their own little parochial requirements by confining the circulation of their accident reports to their own government departments while the rest of the world can go hang and learn its own lesson by suffering a similar accident .
24 So many chefs feel their restaurant managers fail to do this adequately .
25 Many prisoners spread their cell walls with their own excreta .
26 Quite soon after the execution of Charles I , for example , many artists rendering his final moments , show Charles almost as a " Christ figure " , a martyr .
27 The latter are worth noting as typical of the general philosophy claimed by many schools to underpin their project involvement :
28 Many schools store their junk materials in such a way that children can sort the materials for themselves .
29 Many walkers cross its famous ‘ Bad Step ’ just above the waters of Loch Scavaig , but few scramble up its slabs and buttresses to take in the view of Coruisk and its magnificent amphitheatre of black , jagged peaks — arguably the finest viewpoint of Skye .
30 In the confusion , many crabs lose their foothold , tumble into the water and are swept away .
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