Example sentences of "many year [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Many years before we had looked for red kites , on a spring camping holiday in the valley of the River Tywi .
2 " And we worked for many years before we collected a single cup of rubber , do you hear ?
3 So I think we can say that it will be many years before we have a workable wave energy extraction scheme .
4 These five cars received the least modifications of any of the South Metropolitan fleet and in fact it was many years before they were even repainted , running in deep chocolate and ivory , with only the fleet numbers and badges altered .
5 Some Old Testament books describe events that occurred many years before they were written .
6 They could sense our nervous impatience , and they were determined to remember everything very clearly , for it could be many years before they would again have the opportunity to witness such exotic behaviour .
7 The little orange trees which grow are pretty but it will be many years before they are big enough to produce oranges .
8 Consequently they underinvest in long-term projects which take many years before they yield a positive return .
9 This adage was true in the days when pears were grafted onto a miscellany of vigorous rootstocks , which encouraged the growth of great , large trees which took many years before they settled down to cropping .
10 His commercial pride badly wounded , Mercer fought off the criticism , but had to endure a harsh winter watching his team struggle in the knowledge that it would be many years before he could contemplate the fire-side warmth of his own undersoil heating .
11 The Richard the Third Society has the Duke of Gloucester as its patron , which is very pertinent because , as you know , Richard the Third held the title of Duke of Gloucester for many years before he became king . ’
12 Many years before he had described , as we have seen the acute but generalized sense of apprehension which invaded him at times of stress or exhaustion and one recognizes in his temperament a permanent sense of impending doom and disaster — as if the world were always threatening to fall in upon him .
13 Erm Giles is a longstanding member of this union , colleagues , and er , many colleagues may not realize it , but was formerly the res the national research officer of the union for many years before he , he entered parliament and of course , from time to time , enters into the script of things and many colleagues will know that er one of the great biographers of the trade union movement is of course , Constructive Militant you know , a must for all G M B new stewards and new convenors and branch secretaries a must to be read .
14 Alec also recalls that his grandfather had been a bank boy with the company for a short period many years before he and Jean began their employment .
15 Æthelred 's confirmation of the will of Æthelric of Bocking , which is from no later than 999 , says that there was a plan to receive Swegen in Essex when he first came there with a fleet , and that Æthelred was told of Æthelric 's involvement in it many years before he died .
16 I can well believe that at home I was going through some such process for many years before I became anorexic , as well as during the course of the disease itself .
17 The only other person in the bar was an old inhabitant of Cobham and during our conversation I mentioned that my beat-grandfather once lived in Cobham but had died many years before I was born .
18 The story of the lift does not end here , for it was many years before it was finally cut up and sold for scrap .
19 It is suggestive , for example , that in Copernicus 's native Poland , a sun-centered cosmology was taught in Protestant schools many years before it was taught to Catholics .
20 But it would take many years before Nordhausen became a green town , many years before it could even start to ease back on the pollution it coughed on to its inhabitants and the surrounds in which they existed .
21 The US Army may have dumped radioactive waste from nuclear bomb programmes in Love Canal , many years before it became the site for disposal of toxic chemicals by a commercial concern .
22 Queen Victoria suffered a severe blow in December , 1861 when her beloved Prince Albert died — it was very many years before she eventually accepted his death , Memorials to him included the elaborate memorial in Kensington Gardens , with the world 's continents represented around its base , and facing the magnificent Albert Hall which is still the home of various public occasions and wonderful concerts .
23 She had to wear a brace for many years before she was well enough to walk with two sticks , and I still carry in my mind the picture of her trying to walk around the room and on the landing , hobbling in her iron braces .
24 The Scottish blood transfusion service was established many years before there was an NHS and has always supplied blood for any patient who needs it .
25 Loss of earnings and career prospects can be a serious matter for someone who knows that she is going to have to support herself for many years after her parents have gone ; and unless the home in which they are living is owned by them , and left to her in their will , she is also going to have to provide accommodation for herself when they die .
26 Remember that textbooks serve as reference books for many years after you have " mastered " the subject .
27 It is many years since my last confession and I confess in the face of God and in the hope of his divine mercy at the imminent approach of death . ’
28 The Cages had fallen silent as Minch told her story , for it was many years since she had recounted it and then only briefly .
29 It is not so many years since it broke away . ’
30 However , the whole matter was another aspect of one of the storms in a set of teacups that accompanied the whole unhappy Profumo matter and has continued to do so for the many years since it was first raised .
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