Example sentences of "many [noun] find [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 The limits on cash withdrawals were so strict that many companies found themselves without cash even to pay wages .
2 A further example is when an organisation which has been trading for many decades finds itself increasingly out of touch with the market and the organisation 's internal culture and style is no longer appropriate to the markets it is trying to address .
3 Many refugees found themselves in the same position .
4 Many parents find themselves pleasantly surprised when the difficult stage passes with the minimum number of crises and heartbreaks .
5 Many people find themselves homeless within a year of leaving care .
6 As this never happens in real life , many people find themselves assuming the sound must be behind the head .
7 Many people finding themselves in this position would also benefit from spending a few weeks engaged in extensive job search activities as members of a Job Club .
8 Many landlords found themselves in economic difficulties , and there was widespread impoverishment of tenants and small farmers .
9 While statistics on household expenditure suggest that families give priority to health needs , in practice many mothers find themselves cutting back on basic necessities .
10 Under the Poor Law many children found themselves bound to either masters or mistresses who exploited them and at times treated them with great cruelty , while our own age has learned with shame of the extent of ill-treatment even within the family .
11 For while there are many for whom the decimation of Baghdad is guided by a fine and noble and sense of justice , many others find themselves with effectively no alternative but to support ‘ our government ’ / ‘ our boys ’ / ‘ freedom ’ or whatever other option is put before them , in spite of their doubts about the validity of the whole bloody exercise .
12 Billeting allowances were available to cover the cost of hosting an evacuee ( for unaccompanied children , 10s 6d per week for the first child , 8s 6d each for subsequent children ) and billeting officers had powers of compulsion to utilise appropriate accommodation , but most , being from the locality themselves , preferred to ruffle as few feathers as possible — with the result that on arrival many evacuees found themselves in a scene ‘ reminiscent of a cross between an early Roman slave market and Selfridge 's bargain basement ’ , as one witness put it .
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