Example sentences of "many [noun] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 Babur looked forward to this feeling many times while he was studying , waiting to leave the narrow circle of his family 's imagination .
2 In this they were wrong , for he has shown many times that he can fight as well as anyone .
3 Since Mr Clinton has said many times that he will not send ground troops to Bosnia until there is peace , the protection he has in mind will presumably consist of air power , no more .
4 He had read her letters to him so many times that he could recognize her large , childish writing at a glance .
5 He has said many times that he does n't believe American public opinion will withstand the return of a lot of body bags .
6 The solicitor had walked from the station to the car park so many times that he no longer noticed his surroundings .
7 ‘ And the old man said that he had talked about my grandfather many times and he said :
8 Scott had watched him get into the rocket many times and he dreamed about going with Space Man .
9 Harold would acknowledge her politely and indicate that it would not be many hours before he was going up .
10 The prize-giving was supposed to be compèred by Fatty Harris , but having taken so many nips while he was commentating , he had to pop into the Portaloo immediately after the match .
11 Caine says the sacking was the first of many set-backs before he broke into the big time more than a decade later with films like Zulu and Alfie .
12 The cap that happened to get overlooked returns the reader 's gaze blankly yet unavoidably , like the bill from a restaurant abroad which the conspirators find when they turn out the dead man 's pockets , and like the child 's clay whistle which one of them has provided himself with to give the agreed signal — for he has lost so many teeth that he ca n't trust himself to produce the sound naturally .
13 besides a great many sins that he knew he had done that he could not remember .
14 Now here was this gifted sister , who had so many opportunities that he had been denied , apparently threatening to throw them all down the drain , and bury herself in some backwater in Africa .
15 " When a master may discharge his crew abroad on some frivolous pretext , and is empowered to ship as many foreigners as he pleases , God help the poor sailor . "
16 The joint favourite Mr Michael Buckley 's The Proclamation fell at the fourth fence , which was a nasty blow to his many supporters and he had been heavily backed .
17 And Phil promised he would make as many trips as he could to see the lads in the red and white .
18 ‘ He did n't score many goals but he was brilliant at laying on the ball for others .
19 He saw and he cared , but it had been many months since he had counted with her .
20 Burton pulled the struggle out into the open and made this ‘ thing ’ that was himself stand up to as many trials as he could imagine .
21 It had many features that are associated with Barry 's Italianate club-house style and , according to Dorothy Stroud , Soane was indebted to the Villa Farnese at Caprarola for many elements that he used .
22 His commercial pride badly wounded , Mercer fought off the criticism , but had to endure a harsh winter watching his team struggle in the knowledge that it would be many years before he could contemplate the fire-side warmth of his own undersoil heating .
23 The Richard the Third Society has the Duke of Gloucester as its patron , which is very pertinent because , as you know , Richard the Third held the title of Duke of Gloucester for many years before he became king . ’
24 Many years before he had described , as we have seen the acute but generalized sense of apprehension which invaded him at times of stress or exhaustion and one recognizes in his temperament a permanent sense of impending doom and disaster — as if the world were always threatening to fall in upon him .
25 Erm Giles is a longstanding member of this union , colleagues , and er , many colleagues may not realize it , but was formerly the res the national research officer of the union for many years before he , he entered parliament and of course , from time to time , enters into the script of things and many colleagues will know that er one of the great biographers of the trade union movement is of course , Constructive Militant you know , a must for all G M B new stewards and new convenors and branch secretaries a must to be read .
26 Alec also recalls that his grandfather had been a bank boy with the company for a short period many years before he and Jean began their employment .
27 Æthelred 's confirmation of the will of Æthelric of Bocking , which is from no later than 999 , says that there was a plan to receive Swegen in Essex when he first came there with a fleet , and that Æthelred was told of Æthelric 's involvement in it many years before he died .
28 It was many years since he 'd had anything in common with his foster family and she would have expected him to use his sojourn in America as a tactful method of ending the association , of breaking ties that could have no conceivable advantage for him .
29 How many years since he had whipped up the spirits for any party ?
30 A cumulative succession of nasty surprises has dealt a further destructive blow to an advantage Mr Lawson has enjoyed for so many years that he may have come to taken it for granted : the effect on expectations of confident and respected official forecasting .
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