Example sentences of "years because [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 9.18–26 ; Luke 8.40–56 ) he heals a woman who has been unclean for many years because of a flow of blood .
2 But it has kept its head down in recent years because of a huge $4 billion corporate debt and a slide in sales .
3 I WAS in analysis for years because of a traumatic childhood .
4 ALONG with six million other householders , I 've been unable to use a hosepipe for more than two years because of a drought order .
5 HEADACHES during or after sex are still a mystery after more than 2,000 years because of a lack of study , researchers said today .
6 ‘ Completing your dog-training course could take a couple of months but it could also take a couple of years because of the waiting period . ’
7 The US will probably benefit from a doubling of middle-aged people aged 45 to 54 over the next 20 years because of the baby boom of the late 1950s .
8 A lot of gargoyles have deteriorated more in the last 70–80 years than in the preceding 200 years because of the pollution .
9 Up to one million purchases are estimated to have been delayed during the last three years because of the sluggish market .
10 Analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies suggests that the proportion of income contributed by the basic state pension is likely to decline in future years because of the decision to link benefit rates to prices rather than wages .
11 Hoyle suggested that this field 's lines of magnetic force manage to twist themselves up every 11 years because of the Sun 's rapid rotation ( once every 34 days or so at the Sun 's equator ) .
12 ‘ Do you mean to say , ’ she ventured , disliking the silence , ‘ that in your view we 've only stuck it out together all these years because of the children ?
13 I decided not to vote for the first time in 37 years because of the EC .
14 Relations between this group and the government had been strained for some years because of the sect 's links with Libya and its occupation of a disputed eight-acre site west of the capital , where it had built a commune .
15 Relations between the two neighbouring states had been tense in recent years because of the Bougainville conflict .
16 Porta caval shunt operations have not found favour in recent years because of the increased incidence of postoperative hepatic encephalopathy .
17 John Craddock who feels he 'd have to leave his home of twenty-five years because of the noise if the north Oxford bypass went aheadsums up the feelings of many in a plea to the government on its transport policy :
18 The Bank of England has lost some independence in recent years because of the formalisation of what were previously informal supervisory activities .
19 But we then took a view about , about future years because in a sense we 've always been , obviously had to provide for the er , year impression .
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