Example sentences of "years [conj] [vb past] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Although the tax cuts were lower than many commentators had predicted , Lamont forecast a higher public-sector borrowing requirement ( PSBR ) for both the 1991-92 and 1992-93 financial years than had been expected by financial analysts .
2 The years that followed were in many respects his heyday .
3 They had lived in Holland for twenty years and had been much impressed by Dutch conversions of barns into dwellings which tend to be more simple , ‘ scrubbed ’ and ‘ puritanical ’ than the often over-elaborate treatment that is applied to British projects .
4 Wheeler said he had been a member of the force for twelve and a half years and had been on duty on the Docks since last August .
5 A vice-president of the Huddersfield League , he had been active in promoting junior cricket in Huddersfield for over 40 years and had been organising their Joe Lumb sides since the competition started .
6 He had suffered from these for seven years and had been in and out of mental hospitals many times and had received every available treatment including electro-convulsive therapy ( ECT ) — all to no avail .
7 He had been a parishioner of the Immaculate Heart of Mary , Leeds , for many years and had been involved in the Annual Strawberry Fayre , organised cabaret nights , casino nights , race nights etc .
8 He had been married to my mother for fifteen years and had been called a bad husband , whereas she had been what is known as a good wife .
9 Repayment in full of Romania 's foreign debt , which had peaked in the early 1980s at more than US$11,000 million , had been a priority of the Ceausescu regime in its last years and had been accomplished by April 1989 [ see p. 36622 ] .
10 Among the outgoing ministers Alvaro Barreto , the Health Minister , had held senior government posts for 11 years and had been a minister for nine of these .
11 Kibaki was widely regarded as one of the most powerful government members ; he had been in the Cabinet for over 20 years and had been Vice-President until 1988 .
12 The defendant had been a director of plaintiffs for 13 years and had been in charge of the development and sales of a certain type of heater .
13 Galileo in a letter to Kepler ( who showed that the orbits must be ellipses , not circles with the foci at the Sun ) admitted that he had been a believer in Copernican theory for years but had been ‘ too timid ’ to say so for fear of ridicule .
14 The Act allowed couples to petition for divorce after the first anniversary of their marriage , instead of after three years as had been upheld previously .
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