Example sentences of "years [adv] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If a child has it for the first ten years hardly anything else matters .
2 ‘ I do not wish to be hard upon poor people in great affliction ; but I can not help thinking that they have been doing for hundreds of years past something very like what the Bible calls ‘ tempting God' ’ — staking their property and their lives upon the chances or no earthquakes coming , while they ought to have known that an earthquake might come an day . ’
3 Years later they even kept a black panther for a while , until there were complaints and they were forced to send it to a wildlife park .
4 Two years later they successfully appealed against the ruling in the High Court … and now Mr Gilberthorpe 's been told he 's too late bring the case to court again .
5 Two years later she still can not afford to get a divorce .
6 Although I had no idea then what species of bird it was , the picture was firmly fixed in my mind ; years later I instantly recognised it in my first ornithological guide , P. A. D. Hollom 's The Popular Handbook of British Birds .
7 Two years later his most famous work , The State of the Prisons in England and Wales , with preliminary observations and an account of some foreign prisons , was published .
8 Well , a few years back someone else not far away opened a late-night disco and also called it the House of Music !
9 Old friends from many years ago they probably would n't call me a friend but I am saying that er very er
10 Mrs Jean Broke-Smith , the Lucie Clayton principal , who has been coaching debs for the show for 20 years , described the problem : ‘ Even though these girls are much more self-assured than their equivalent 20 years ago they still need to be told to push their hips and pelvis forward and to keep their bottoms tucked in , ’ she said .
11 Ladies and gentlemen erm about three years ago we finally decided to restore this car that you see behind us and although it was er an impossible task at times we , we carried on regardless and I hope that you 'll agree that everything you see today , plus the fact that seeing everybody out here , I think we , you 'll agree we made the right decision and er we feel that as long as this car is in this position that nobody 'll erm have any doubts who the Three- Ninetieth Group were and er , I think er , I think we 're all proud of this day particularly .
12 Six years ago we successfully brought about a European-wide ban on the bulk trade in tortoises where the UK alone was importing at the height of the trade 250,000 a year of which 80 per cent were dead within two years .
13 Since that time Art has developed and flourished remarkably in the West Riding , and instead of the lurid paintings of twenty years ago we now have sensitive work stimulated by experience of the environment .
14 To think that not less than 30 years ago we still had a fiver worthy of the 18th century and felt no need to supplement the revenue by the constant issuing of new postage stamps .
15 About 6 years ago we therefore set out to raise the image of Washroom with the hope of protecting our customer base in difficult times and to generally increase sales .
16 Her daughter ses she suffered a similar fracture three years ago which also was n't spotted .
17 It is ‘ theoretically ’ , because the then Home Secretary introduced new guide-lines some years ago which severely restricted the application of parole to men serving sentences for offences of violence , sexual offences and the supply of illegal drugs .
18 Almost 70 years ago someone else turned up here , a teacher from Camus 's school , to ask Albert 's mother if he could try for a scholarship to attend high school .
19 Three years ago she suddenly began to produce gold leaf .
20 They will go to Klosters , his favourite resort in the Swiss Alps where four years ago he nearly lost his life in the avalanche which killed Major Hugh Lindsay .
21 This guy was great though we met in Ireland cos he was erm he used to own about three or four supermarkets , er small chains and he just one day , he 's about he 's about fifty eight , sixty now and one day he said about five years ago he just got fed up and just walked out .
22 Rob Wilson 's courtesy and kindness is legendary and many years ago he indirectly helped my mother to hook her first salmon .
23 Some years ago you kindly offered to take Hartley Green , an elder Brother of George into your Factory , which he declined , having other views .
24 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
25 I know , but years ago you always used to have a big tea and supper
26 ‘ When Jefferson left Downton International a few years ago it certainly was n't of his own free will .
27 When I first moved into my present garden nine years ago I madly planted all those trees , shrubs and climbers that my previous garden , being rather small , would not allow .
28 The Skinner seminar , as far as I can remember , you 've got ta bear in mind I I mean it must be eight nine years ago I probably read Skinner in earnest , yeah ?
29 Yeah , well I 'm a bit like that , I ca n't wear a jumper because I , I and yet years ago I always used to wear
30 ‘ When we married 26 years ago I never realised it would be to a millionaire , but he has always been lucky .
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