Example sentences of "years [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Steward may feel that the project is ‘ low key ’ , but when a nine acre sand and gravel pit is proposed to be worked for four years only a matter of 45 metres from the nearest residence and 280 metres from the centre of Cross Green ( Atlas Aggregate 's figures ) , the residents of Cockfield are entitled to feel differently .
2 In three hundred years only the trees had changed , growing older , dying , replaced by others of their own ancient seed .
3 Okay now we 've had this for twenty years so a lot of these have been resold of course .
4 After more than thirty years of such varied service she decided in the Autumn of 1987 on partial retirement , retaining for two more years merely the editorship of the newsletter and membership of the committee organising the centenary celebrations .
5 Over the coming years obviously the addition will be diluted as the graduates become the majority of our membership .
6 Three years later a branch was opened off this from Crewe Toll eastwards to Leith station , sited near Lindsay Road .
7 Ten years later a state of emergency is still in force , renewed in May 1991 for a further three years , and political detainees held incommunicado under emergency provisions continue to be denied basic protection against torture .
8 By 1800 , Nez Perce buffalo-hunting expeditions to the Yellowstone had become too dangerous , and five years later a council in the Kamiah valley resolved to obtain firearms for the tribe .
9 Fifteen years later a man of 76 , thinking he would like to try satellite television , collected the requisite number of newspaper coupons which would entitle him to a 30-day trial of a satellite dish .
10 Then several years later a gunman appeared in front of him : ‘ A man stood there , four feet away and fired a gun at me .
11 Then 40 years later a rejigging of the system ensured a lasting concentration of executive power in the hands of the mayor in City Hall .
12 Just over fifty years later a second Montevideo Congress produced a revised Convention , that on International Procedural Law of 19 March 1940 , To the existing text of what became Article 11 were added two further sentences , one requiring that letters rogatory be translated into the language of the state of destination and the other dispensing with the requirement of legalisation provided transmission was through the diplomatic ( or , in their absence , consular ) agents of the state of origin .
13 In 1894 he joined the Wilson Line in Hull as second mate of the SS Draco and three years later a chance meeting with the Norwegian explorer H. Borchgrevink , a passenger in his vessel , the Montebello , led to Colbeck 's joining the Southern Cross expedition ( 1898–1900 ) as magnetic observer , following an intensive course of instruction at Kew Observatory .
14 Only four years later a heart attack forced him into retirement .
15 Fifteen years later a treaty ended French frontier controversies with the city-republic of Geneva , while in 1760 another signed in Turin ( which incorporated a series of eight maps ) greatly simplified in the same way France 's south-eastern frontier .
16 Ten years later a cohort study in Iceland confirmed that male blood-relatives of women with breast cancer had an excess risk of prostate cancer .
17 Seven years later a cluster of names in a rental follows that of Ellice Hanmer , as he was generally known in his new parish .
18 These proposals were not adopted , they were seldom referred to although in the USA much physical geography did not develop in geography departments , but exactly 50 years later a paper with the same title as Barrows 's ( Chorley , 1973 ) sought to examine the extent to which the ecological approach to geography provided a unifying link between the human and physical sides of the subject .
19 Ten years later a note in the Minutes of the Garden Committee states that Miller had asked for a residence to be built in the Garden , but this was refused .
20 Even five years later a clergyman who came to a retreat which he conducted thought him the oddest sight , sartorially , which he had seen among academics .
21 When six years later a son was finally born , his new family simply threw him out and the poverty is so great in the region that one month spent begging and homeless brought him to death 's door .
22 Three years later a locomotive crashed , and they were called in to rebuild it .
23 The small railway outpost had the Indian sign on it when closure came entirely on I January 1917 in the midst of World War I. However , some five years later the GWR had a change of heart and decided to reopen the station to goods traffic on 18 September 1922 .
24 Four years later the England selection committee saw the semi-circle during their visit to Switzerland and Italy , and wondered why no one had called for its use at home .
25 In 1984 the Royal Victoria Hall Foundation , former owners of London 's Old Vic Theatre , deposited a portion of their archive material with the Theatre Collection and three years later the Governors of the Foundation decided that the entire archives , covering the history of the theatre and a complete documentation of the Old Vic company from 1944 to 1963 , should be housed in Bristol .
26 In 1895 the Congregational Chapel in Aylesbury agreed to repeat the Lord 's Prayer during Sunday services ; three years later the Church accepted a proposal from its younger members to have a vase of flowers in chapel during services and someone donated a vase .
27 In 1853 the English Congregational Chapel-building Society was founded to help local chapels and two years later the Rev. J. C. Gallaway published for the Society a tract on Practical Hints on the Erection of Places of Public Worship .
28 Two years later the Union President , J. G. Greenhough , called up the old world to attack the new : he expounded traditional Calvinism with its high doctrine of church order although he accepted that it had ‘ little favour ’ in 1895 .
29 Ten years later the brewery embarked on a substantial redevelopment programme and rechristened the pub The Brown Trout ‘ to bring it more into keeping with Darlington ’ .
30 Ten years later the Germans had taken the lead .
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