Example sentences of "going off with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But free or not , no one should stop her going off with Midnight anywhere .
2 I totally understand his little wife going off with Bart Alderton .
3 Robert and Carol , who also have a son , Daniel , and another daughter Emma , had warned Johanna of the dangers of going off with strangers .
4 It would have demanded from Toby a display of powers he was by no means sure he possessed to prevent Pickerage going off with Hilary Frome .
5 She was going to murder Margaret tomorrow , going off with Dennis and leaving them like that .
6 ‘ You mean by going off with Micky ? ’
7 I 'll grant you were in a bad state , which was hardly surprising after all the business with losing your part and then Lesley-Jane going off with Micky — incidentally , there was less in that than you thought , but that 's by the way .
8 Periodically I went down into the warmth below , to write up my notes and check them over against the ship 's design plans , which Nils had produced for me before going off with Iain to talk to the Navy Yard people .
9 morning , but it must 've been alright because er he was going off with David , I said you got tablets for him and she said yeah plenty of stuff for him , anyway , he seemed , he looked alright anyhow
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