Example sentences of "does n't [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The beauty of renewable energy is that it does n't rely on one source only , such as wind or solar , but on a whole range of different sources .
2 After playing this for a while , I reckon the original mark ( 38% , Issue 73 ) was a mite generous for a game that does n't rely on skill in the slightest — you just need to memorise the entry and exit points of the Gremlins and use the same movements , screen after screen with no variation .
3 Ensure that your child does n't rely on his emergency bronchodilator , or forget about his condition after he 's had an attack .
4 We believe that people should have the choice and the choice and the rights that most people want is for their children to be educated in schools without water dripping down the walls , where the ceiling does n't fall in , that does n't rely on temporary classes .
5 It just does n't sink in any more .
6 All the money his dad does n't blow on the women and the ponies , Spunk gives to charity . "
7 I should n't have asked that , Florence Ames thought , he does n't care to be questioned about his mother and it makes me seem too familiar , too prying .
8 ‘ Mr Laszlo 's a very busy man ; he does n't care to be disturbed .
9 But how can we expect the Brazilian Government to care for trees when it does n't care for many of its people ?
10 It was disappointing , though , that he seemed to be knocking the efforts of those with other aims : ‘ How can we expect the Brazilian Government to care for trees when it does n't care for many of its people ? ’
11 John does n't care for the paintings , and there 's no financial incentive , but he feels that it 's expected of him , by nurses , and by the stone and metal hydra called society .
12 " The sexton does n't care for you , does he , Mr Feather ?
13 Charles does n't care for sibling rivals for the Bishop 's favour . ’
14 ‘ He always says he does n't care for the game .
15 He does n't care for drink , or for any of the good things of life .
16 But the more you try and get things done , the more you realize that the government does n't care at all , apart from making a profit .
17 Are we really to believe , as John Prescott seems to imply , that our government ( and Major in particular ) does n't care about the nation 's health or education or social welfare ?
18 Neil does n't care about the American mags , but since the comics and art ( both more kitsch than kinky ) are collector 's items , he 'd like to get them back .
19 The stereo-typical image of a building worker is of a hard macho man who does n't care about other people 's feelings .
20 And now he does n't care about anybody .
21 I hated the way Arthur Seaton just does n't care about anything outside his own little life .
22 She does n't care about the cat , she just thinks Tim 's dad spends too much money on it .
23 And her values set my teeth on edge — she does n't care about anything . ’
24 I ca n't bring myself to say she does n't care about her father , but she does n't act as if she cared for him very much . "
25 Unfortunately , natural selection does n't care about total economies , and it has no room for cartels and agreements .
26 Lupus feared his anger and advised others not to provoke it ( " I consider it dangerous to obstruct the king 's orders " ) ; felt hurt when Charles very obviously " does n't care about the things that matter to me " ; appreciated Charles 's personally " asking me at Bourges not long ago what I felt about Predestination " ; and was well aware that Charles " has a face that he puts on when he wants to be charming " .
27 so she does n't care about anybody else
28 The conductivity does n't stay at a certain level then ?
29 Maybe we should all be glad for what we 've got ( if we have got it : pray to God he does n't stay in Hollywood ) , glad for those marvellous moments , for the sheer pleasure of his movies .
30 That 's a very good question , there 's a number of reasons for it happening , erm it might be that the groove , the , the socket bit is very shallow , like a shallow tea cup and the hip , the leg bone does n't stay in it properly , does that make sense to you ?
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