Example sentences of "does [vb infin] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 For , if he does exist he will surely forgive you for your dereliction , being such a sop in these matters , a meddling milk toast .
2 Rachel does know she should n't try to change Al , but she says , ‘ It 's inevitable .
3 Do n't think I 'm advising you to try it … but it does show what can be done .
4 We have already seen that there is an argument which says that market controls deter abuse and that even when abuse does occur it might not be efficient to stamp it out .
5 If this does occur it would be expected that more than one member of the same family would be infected and that the same strain of H pylori would be present in more than one member of the same family .
6 This fear of cats , or ailurophobia to give it its technical name , is rare , but when it does occur it can cause untold misery for the sufferer and it is worth examining how it begins and how it can be cured .
7 Where poor social acceptance does occur it can be useful to look at ways in which this problem has been tackled , possibly with children who have other educational disadvantages .
8 The two separate Minutes may not necessarily be related but it does suggest there may be more in the Cup 's name that has hitherto been appreciated .
9 She does hope it would n't put you out , but she did n't know until yesterday , and you know how unreliable these baby-sitters can be ! ’
10 I 'll bet if Fairclough is on flash he wo n't score , if he 's not , watch out Leeds , for if he does score it will be all our own fault as we have the ammunition to stop him .
11 You w if your d wheel does move it wo n't move far .
12 So I 'm sorry Mr Chairman if the report is doom and gloom but that is the situation that does prevail we will endeavour to work to the best of our ability , or the lack of it but please remember the constraints that we are under and if we have got any views , to stand , and if we do want to help the people in Dundee and we do want to stop the government pilfering the British Rail pension scheme
13 Where such a situation does prevail it will not be easy to evaluate the effects of the graduated tests from those of the greater relevance of the new curriculum and the enthusiasm engendered by teachers with a belief in the efficacy of the change .
14 PHILLIPA DAVIES is not against Neil Kin nock — ‘ after all I am Welsh , too ’ — but she does wish he would drop some of the more irritating Welsh features of his speech .
15 Some do n't do anything at all , they 're just there in the , in the name alone and if anything does happen they 'll into action .
16 If someone goes away on holiday , you may well give the key to a neighbour , they probably know a relative of yours or somebody like that that if anything does happen they can contact you or your relative to come down and check the house over .
17 It 's early days yet and if it does happen I will up-date you with the information .
18 If this really does happen it would be a remarkable situation because up until now they 've been let out in dribs and drabs , they 're talking here about a kind of mass release are n't they ?
19 No , no , thank you very much , it 's all right , he is n't badly hurt , a sprained ankle , and they say it is n't serious , but it does mean he ca n't come north yet … ’
20 come up and insult you if it does n't bother you , you wo n't say a thing , but if it does bother you 'll come back and re say something back .
21 erm so erm yeah so , so you know kind of get in touch with the people whose work you 've missed and , and er , you know , er so at least they , when it , you know , when it does arrive they 'll know what the circumstances are so er
22 The other thing is is that if we , if it does get we can just get the paint out and
23 ‘ But when it does come you wo n't want the window open . ’
24 When the hour does come I shall need a good , clear cause , every man I have and all the speed I can muster .
25 If the centre does close it 'll mean injured animals will have to be destroyed .
26 These are generalizations , but the probability is that political control does determine what may or may not be censored or , conversely , stocked in a public library .
27 I mean , the Bible does say we should n't throw our pearls before swine !
28 Now he does say he would you know he even thinks he could be a Gold Cup horse and emulate Dawn Run I mean again it 's it 's great claims this early on but er they would n't be running him if they did n't think he 's got a chance .
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