Example sentences of "more [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 I could make a few inspired guesses that the machinery will get , not so much cheaper , although it is getting a bit cheaper , but you 'll get more for the same money — rather like calculators _ they have n't actually got very much cheaper in the last two or three years , but you get more for your fiver .
2 This extremely perceptive analysis of the institutional mind fits the police world like a glove , and recent elaborations in policing , along with its growth in the mainstream of the daily social process , supports Douglas 's contention ( ibid. ) that an institution which is dependent upon authority can only demand more of the same .
3 Rugby Union : Black knights move on the Welsh pawns : Steve Bale predicts more of the same as rugby union 's champions , New Zealand , arrive on their tour today
4 They held their line and competed hard in midfield , damping down Oldham 's initial verve and preparing themselves for more of the same in the second half .
5 Kelly implied that each case had been judged on its merits , but the previous fines were criticised by politicians and police as being too lenient and the FA can expect more of the same after its latest decision .
6 After which they would inveigh against them as decadent while ordering more of the same for their next well-attended private screenings .
7 He just continued writing more of the same stuff that was going on his album .
8 Tuesday , more of the same , except she seems to have met Mr Hawick at the House of Commons after work .
9 More of the same
10 The Labour Party , dominated by the free trade philosophy of Philip Snowden , offered more of the same and was barely distinguishable from the Conservatives in the economic policies they offered — except for the Conservative Party 's references to ‘ safe-guarding of industry , ’ a code-phrase for selective protectionism .
11 He should say this because what his campaign needs is the idea that something new is going to come from re-electing the Tories — not just more of the same , however admirable that may be .
12 Voters , he said , had a straight choice on Thursday between a fresh start under Labour and ‘ more of the same ’ under the Conservative Party .
13 Voters on Thursday had a straight choice between a fresh start under Labour and ‘ more of the same ’ under the Conservatives .
14 Labour at the moment offers ‘ more of the same but better ’ .
15 They promise nothing but more of the same , ’ he said .
16 Jim Smith , the manager whose shrewd tactical plan stifled Liverpool in last week 's 1–1 draw at Highbury , has called for a 10 per cent improvement from his players in tonight 's replay — and more of the same from the supporters .
17 Whitaker resumes today , undefeated on 73 , and unless there is a merciful declaration the varsity bowlers , on a perfect batting pitch , can expect more of the same .
18 ‘ How about more of the same ? ’
19 More of the same but more visitors from London and Brighton etc .
20 This means that seven times out of ten the provision of clarification or information results in more of the same or requests for more .
21 Masai Warrior Dance is more of the same ; intermeshed , slightly jarring reed interplay , but held together with insistent African drums .
22 Well that 's just more of the same — a competent but unspectacular version of the board game .
23 But then I 've got sons , and there 's never seemed much point in going for more of the same !
24 It 's tempting to say that the bigger model was just more of the same , with added reverb , but that would n't be true .
25 Swapping to Korg 's SPC-1 sound card produced more of the same , with only a few interesting variations .
26 Although Martin has said that some bass players like to be able to significantly alter their sound while they are actually playing on stage , I 've never seen the need to have all the gubbins on the bass to do that , then have lots more gubbins on the amp to do more of the same .
27 Is the 5-string more of the same ?
28 In a global context , it means more of the same system that increased the number of the world 's poor from 944 million in 1970 to 1,156 million in 1985 ; the number who are illiterate from 842 million to 907 million ; and the number of malnourished from 460 million to 512 million .
29 Business as usual The election led to a few significant changes in Northern Ireland , but mostly it 's more of the same , says Robin Wilson
30 Every consideration of soothing the electorate , persuading it and , above all , combating the Conservative weapon of fear and manipulated anxiety , means more of the same , more assurance , more confidence-building , more patience .
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