Example sentences of "more [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 The Ramblers ' Association would get more progress if they worked with us all the time .
2 They stress that the only farmers who can benefit from the immediate purchase of ewe premium rights are those who have submitted a 1993 claim for more sheep than they have quota and are buying or leasing retrospectively .
3 The main reason is population growth which is causing the people to clear more woodland so they can cultivate the land .
4 Government figures released today show that like Wymott at the time of the riot , nearly a third of prisons in England and Wales are overcrowded , several housing seventy percent more prisoners than they were designed for .
5 Erm so two pounds of that went with sale with the sale of the journal and so we can say we had twelve pounds unsolicited donations , erm as Peggy would back me up if she was here , saying that any time you ask someone to sign the flood gates open with what they thought about the position of pensioners , in fact we 've probably got a lot more signatures if they had n't , but erm , we did pick up , we , I picked up the news about Welwyn Garden City 's cost of and things like that not going through and erm , erm , now , our month our monthly , our monthly stall will not be on the third third Thursday this year , it will be on the fourth to co-inside with the week were celebrating pensioner 's week , which is a week behind National .
6 It was two more hours before they reached the barbed-wire perimeter that had been erected to stop the Germans breaking through .
7 I would say conditions were a wee bit easier a wee bit you had a wee bit more freedom because they knew they could not replace anybody if they gave the sack .
8 Maxim was n't sure himself , but he was sure he had a lot more experience than they in locating the origins of gunshots .
9 There was a common sequence to nearly every teaching session observed : the teacher settled the children down ; explained the tasks ; allocated children to groups ; interacted with one or more groups while they worked ; initiated finishing off or tidying up .
10 If chargers move through Fanatics they have not already encountered then they sustain more damage as they hit the deranged Goblins .
11 Even people we think of as being extremely rich will often grumble because they compare themselves with those who earn even more money than they do .
12 Paul McCartney and Madonna , Robert Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch all have more money than they will ever need .
13 And despite the wonderful climate , and being able to play Riviera whenever I wanted , I longed to see green fields and my folks and my friends , and hear the cricket scores on the radio , and escape from the constant pursuit of more money and better deals for the clients , who mostly did n't care anyway because they already had more money than they knew what to do with . ’
14 The strongest selling point for AEs at DPR or LHW was the " limited liability " concept , which meant clients could lose no more money than they put in .
15 I mean th they , they might do n't necessarily see why it 's improving and what 's behind it , but their lot must improve if there 's industrialization and weapons and things to be made , that they they have jobs and presumably have more money than they had before when they were just sort of not doing very much .
16 If money supply increases , people will have more money than they require to hold .
17 People will find themselves holding more money than they require : their portfolios are unnecessarily liquid .
18 these two are also hoping to come back with more money than they went … you see along the route they 're raising funds hopefully as much as ten thousand pounds for the haemophilia society …
19 Assuming that the money market is in equilibrium initially , the policy will raise the supply of money above the demand for money , and wealth holders will find themselves holding more money than they desire in their portfolios .
20 that 's lining their pockets who 've they 've got more money than they know what to do with
21 I mean he 's probably got more money than they 've bloody got !
22 There 's a nice story about my , one of my favourite presidents , I told you last time , Theodore Roosevelt , Roosevelt got very frustrated with congress so he sent the American navy , he had no money , they would n't give him any money , so he sent the American navy to the Philippines and he said to congress if you want them back again you 'd better vote some more money cos they have n't got any fuel erm which is a fairly odd way of proceeding one might think .
23 One such exception concerns circumstances where a particular person does not have close relatives , where there seems to be an expectation that kin in the outer circle should give more support than they otherwise might , as it were deputizing or substituting for the non-existent children or parents .
24 She , and all the other residents with the courage to stand up and defend decent values on behalf of their families and communities , deserve more support than they are receiving from the Government .
25 The charity argues that in return those parents deserve far more support than they currently receive .
26 Lightbulbs would give out more light if they were washed every week in soapy water .
27 Sometimes — often , in fact — in the Western world , people consume more calories than they need to fuel the body with energy .
28 So even if they are inadvertently or wilfully slipping down a couple of hundred more calories than they intend in the course of a day , they might still find themselves clocking up a decent weight loss on the scales each week .
29 Interestingly enough , even hens and rats have been found to consume more calories when they are offered a varied diet than when they are fed ‘ the same old thing ’ all the time .
30 The opposition reacted angrily to the intervention by French and Belgian troops , calling for their withdrawal and warning of more violence if they did anything more than evacuate their nationals .
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