Example sentences of "more [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were more gang symbols on the walls of East Los Angeles than in Norwalk , where they seemed to be everywhere .
2 In addition , PLAN is opening more field offices in Nepal , Zimbabwe , and the Dominican Republic , to extend its work in those countries .
3 It is certain that the news of Mr Souness 's impending operation will have created a few more worry lines of the face of First Division management .
4 The Labour administration approved the scheme wholeheartedly in 1986 , and used it at a public inquiry to try to oppose the imposition of more A-road architecture on the site approved by the previous Tory administration .
5 Because I mean th there 's more teaching hospitals in London going an and right throughout the country .
6 It was felt that this would enable more rail services to be withdrawn in rural areas without ‘ undue hardship ’ ( an ill-defined term ) being caused to the communities currently served by rail .
7 The House will expect me to apologise again for the remarks that I injudiciously made when I was trying to illustrate a simple point — that , with the private sector providing more rail services in future , I hope that a range of choice will be available to the travelling public in terms of price and time of day , rather like that provided by the airlines and the long-distance coach market .
8 Meanwhile , Budapest-based Graphisoft , the privately-held Hungarian software outfit which claims to have sold more CAD packages on Apple Computer Inc Macintosh platforms than any other firm during 1991 , is thought to be readying Apple A/UX 3.0 and Microsoft Corp Windows versions of its ArchiCAD software for release in around six months time .
9 Is the Minister aware that the Government are cramming more and more university students into the same buildings as a consequence of the fact that they are trying to have people obtain degrees on the cheap ?
10 More building workers in the recession-savaged construction and building supply industries will be employed and more families rehoused .
11 Portman 's maximum loan to value is 95% , which is more user friendly for many first-time buyers .
12 On the same day , the eighteenth of October , Mr came back and spoke to Miss about this telephone call and he rang Peter in the afternoon of that Friday and he asked again if it was possible to withdraw because of the landlord 's failure to consent to the er assignment and again er after what will er be described as a fairly easy discussion between the plaintiff and er Mr , er he was told very clearly that it was not possible for him to withdraw , contracts had been exchanged and he was advised that what the landlords er failure to consent did was in fact er provide Mr with more breathing space in order to obtain proper funding and re-arrange his finances er , that again is denied .
13 Senator Dodd , who had attempted to bring more amphetamine use under control , argued that Hoffman-La Roche ‘ paid a Washington law firm three times the annual budget of the Senate subcommittee staff to assure that their drugs would remain uncontrolled ’ ( Graham 1972 : 22 ) .
14 This is n't the velvet-glove power of a Ferrari or a Lamborghini , not even the more base power of a V8 such as Aston make , it is the bad-boy rumble of the hot-rodder 's art — lots in , lots out , speed costs money , how fast do you want to go ?
15 Recently it has become possible to convert simultaneously wood chips of a hundred or more hardwood species into paper pulp , which is important , as it is estimated that paper consumption will increase more than that of timber .
16 However , there is more housekeeping activity in handling an indexed sequential file than the corresponding sequentially organized file .
17 BRITISH Aerospace shares are set to rise today following the long-awaited confirmation of more defence contracts from Saudi Arabia .
18 If there is to be more defence co-operation in Europe , why is it necessary for Britain to have its own capability , in addition to that of France ?
19 If the recent huge success of Windows is anything to go by , Windows for Workgroups could prove to be a catalyst pushing many more PC users into the world of networking.Windows for Workgroups has several obvious new features .
20 Once the initial product is out , the firms say they will add more connectivity options for Sun workstation users .
21 He must n't ever know that her father 's faith in her capabilities was less than rock-solid , because he would doubtless use that as one more negotiating ploy in his campaign to buy the club .
22 The thrust of the reforms being prepared by the farm commissioner , Ireland 's Ray MacSharry , and his colleagues is to reduce guaranteed prices and to pay more income support to farmers .
23 One more shit comment from you and I 'll implant this knife in the back of your throat . ’
24 Officials see the main thrust as : more freedom in basic research to allow decision making by scientists rather than government more encouragement for private enterprise to invest in research a push to persuade state research bodies to do more contract work for industry and rely less on government funds .
25 Why is there , I 've assumed from that , there is a need for more contract hire for the officers .
26 So th th th there 's , there 's a heightened need for support because of the the nature of the civil war now , and , and they are under quite substantial pressure and therefore you need to mobilize the population behind you and to get that mobilization you , you 've got to offer more struggle fruits to the peasants and absolute egalitarianism is the way to offer them the maximum .
27 This move can be interpreted either as yet another instance of poor central-local ties or as deliberate slowness so as to let more money flow into public funds .
28 Glasshouse car 121 , so named from the number of windows , was one of several converted from open-sided cars by the Corporation in 1920 , to provide more saloon cars on the Fleetwood route .
29 There are many more support staff in the British National Health Service than there are people caring for patients .
30 In some ways that was the classic sound that I had with Whitesnake , but that sound was n't usable in later , more AOR versions of either that band or even other things that I 've done ; all you can say is that it was right for that particular music .
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