Example sentences of "know that it is " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As long as you know what you 're doing ’ , she ventures , adding : ‘ And as long as you know that it is right . ’
2 You know that it is extremely risky to leave the choice late and that , at the very latest , you must be organised in time to have a good look at the proposed field and to get into a good position for a proper base leg .
3 But was she trying to confuse the plot by saying : ‘ I know that it is impossible for me to win four Grand Slam tournaments this year . ’
4 To spend corporate money telling us that ‘ it is n't so ’ when we all know that it is , insults our intelligence as well as endangering our lives .
5 But now , she thought , I know that it is not so .
6 On a simpler level , we know that it is unwise to turn our back when we are still close to a strange horse , stallion , or foal , because occasionally it will boot us once we take our eyes off it !
7 In an ideal world , such fencing would be entirely of natural hedgerows and ditches , but we know that it is inevitable that artificial fencing will provide the bulk of such restraint for cattle and for sheep .
8 And before ‘ name and address supplied ’ asks , I was born and lived most of my life in the country ; I know that it is unnecessary to rip animals to pieces to preserve the balance of nature .
9 Some of know that it is not working now , and will never work unless some government really faces up to the reality of the cost involved .
10 They know that it is not as important as good health , a contented mind , or that gift that the poet Ruth Pitter said was the one she would choose , above all others , to bestow upon a child at birth — ‘ love in old age ’ .
11 The natives know that it is not the actual paintings in the caves that activate the Kurunba but the rocks on which they are drawn ; the rocks being imbued with the ‘ spirit ’ of the entities depicted .
12 Although we know that it is easy enough to gain weight or eat unhealthily without indulging in desserts and sweet things , it is usually this ‘ extra ’ which is among the first to go when you are trying to keep to a low-calorie , low-fat regime .
13 Bill : I know that it is n't always possible but the idea is not only not to feel guilty if you do , but to feel quite happy about it and about your lover/lovers doing it too .
14 Since I know that it is not , then my use of it is a bit of rhetoric .
15 We know that it is fairly uncommon for adult relatives to share households today : only 12 per cent of households contain three or more adults and not all of these will involve relatives sharing ( Social Trends , 1988 , p. 36 , table 2.2 ) .
16 Such parents know that it is something they have been socialised into by a segregated society , and that things could have been otherwise : that they ought to be otherwise ( It 's not fair … ’ ) .
17 As a result of reading your article , I know that it is either an MFM or RLL type , but is there any way of finding out which one ?
18 Those who believe , or rather , know that the dialectic in its predetermined movement requires the appropriation , by wage-earners and as the outcome of their victory in the class war , of the means of production , and know that it is historically right to be on the side of that movement , will know also that the first is superior .
19 ‘ In our party we know that it is not the State that builds the success of a Nation .
20 We know that it is smell that guides them , for salmon with their nostrils blocked get lost .
21 Be able to recognise that weight is a force , and know that it is measured in newtons .
22 It is also significant that the oddness of 9a can be reduced by modifying table semantically : The table with the electronic eye saw Arthur ( we know that it is the meaning of the modifying phrase which is important because the reduction in oddness depends on the open set items the phrase contains — compare The table with the melamine top saw Arthur ) ; no similar modification of bake in 11a , or table in 12a , can reduce the degree of deviance of these sentences .
23 We know that it is easier for your body to tolerate the habit if you also eat well but many do not .
24 No , I mean in in industry and also the the the artists , they do enjoy er royal patronage because they know that it is an asset to the arts .
25 Most of us know that it is in our best interests to play it — we 've never been taught the lines , but we soon catch on to what we 're supposed to say .
26 Therefore I know that it is not a matter of you using good sense in rejecting advances from young men because you would soon be parted from them .
27 I know that it is to do with trash and shit , and that it is wrong in time .
28 I know that it is there , and if only , if only I can choose the right words , and if only I can tap the exact right source of power , then I shall see it ignite and flare into life .
29 This time , however , you know that it is not true .
30 Most motorists know that it is possible to feel absolutely certain what the matter is with the engine and to put that right only to find that the car still does not start .
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