Example sentences of "know that [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know that picking the seam has been going on for years , but tampering with the ball is a different matter .
2 At TAC we take the services we offer architectural specifiers very seriously indeed , because we know that supplying the best products is not in itself enough .
3 We all know that breaking a mirror may cost us seven year 's bad luck , but did you know that …
4 He said : ‘ I know that getting the sack is an occupational hazard in football , but it 's the first time it has happened to me and it hurts .
5 But we know that buying a carpet is n't something you do every day , and some general advice before you shop might be welcome .
6 Now two things have happened — one is that better , safer pills have been introduced , but secondly a lot of the scares which there were of five or ten years ago , have been shown to be quite unjustified , so we now know that using the more modern of the oral contraceptives erm there 's really very little risk indeed .
7 ‘ They say that they have nowhere else to go , but I know that facing the world on their own would be even more frightening . ’
8 The G M B speaks for these workers , and we know that abolishing the Wages Council will not provide any hope or prosperity for millions of low paid workers all over Britain .
9 I know that giving a man on a ventilator morphine in high doses , enough to cause general anaesthesia , is risking his life , and it distracts me to think about whether or not it 's ethical .
10 I know I will have that again this season and with the experience of last year I know that winning the number one plate for 1992 is a reasonable ambition . ’
11 I know that having a seventy-eight-centimetre leg makes me shorter than average , but Jesus .
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