Example sentences of "know [that] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 In my own case I know that the first link produces the last through the intermediate link , and could not produce it without .
2 — " We know that the first bicycles looked like that because they 've got one in the museum . "
3 And as the Western media talks about a 3rd World War starting in the Gulf , millions of people all over the world know that the Third World War started long before the battle in the Gulf .
4 But we know that the last film demanded must yield consumers exactly P l pounds worth of utility ; otherwise they would buy more films or less films than the quantity Q 1 .
5 I do not recall what kind it was , but I know that the next car to come into the dale was a bull-nosed Morris and that was owned by the Wallers .
6 Sometimes one or other would misuse that privilege and perhaps shout more than was otherwise seemly , ‘ but the fact that we 'd grown up together meant we could have our rows and know that the next day one of us would apologise , and it would all be forgotten . ’
7 We know that the next falling star is almost certain to get too close to the sun , and catch fire !
8 They know that the next Queen 's Speech will be the product of a Labour Government .
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