Example sentences of "still has the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once again , Mr John Hume must justify continuing to devise an ‘ overall strategy ’ with Mr Gerry Adams , who still has the gall to claim that ‘ peace ’ is a central part of his party 's platform .
2 Although Sun 's architecture is termed ‘ excellent ’ , Butler Bloor claims that its hardware range is not comprehensive enough and that the company still has the feel of a workstation vendor .
3 A bird kept in captivity is fed all year round , so obviously it has an easier time than one in the wild which has to feed itself whatever the season , but it still has the hunting instinct .
4 This stuff here , which is actually dried out but it 's you can smell it , it still has the aroma of linseed oil which is what it is .
5 Perhaps it still has the charm of novelty ? ’
6 This small herd of 40 or 50 animals , though enclosed , still has the freedom of 135ha of land and the animals are rarely in contact with humans ; they live as a wild herd and exhibit many interesting behaviour patterns , which have been studied in the past by famous artists and very recently by Cambridge zoologist Stephen Hall , who has published his observations .
7 I suggest buying a new cone of yarn , unless you happen to have one in the cupboard that is untouched and which still has the price paid for it .
8 And Hewlett-Packard , with its laser printers , has demonstrated that it still has the ability to build a major business from scratch , and its OEM disk drive business , although not very visible , is treated with respect by its competitors .
9 The right hon. Gentleman still has the ability to mislead the young that he has shown in his distinguished past .
10 the candidate still has the knowledge and skills gained previously through experience or qualification
11 As a final point of information , the Bank of England still has the facility to re-introduce minimum lending rate ( MLR ) if it so wishes .
12 Like Hannah she is angry at the ideal presented to her by the advertising world , as she feels it has nothing to do with her , yet still has the power to make her feel dissatisfied .
13 Yet Charles still has the power to cheat her of the ultimate prize — her throne .
14 The Treasury still has the power to make directions about which accounts shall be audited by the C. and A.G. ; but that power is now exercised through a statutory instrument which must be placed before the House of Commons .
15 But France still has the power to undermine the economic stability of the European Community .
16 If your child is under 16 , he or she still has the right to consent to or refuse an HIV test if the doctor feels he or she has sufficient maturity and understanding .
17 Germany still has the world 's most expensive industrial electricity , with Italy not far behind .
18 And Sherlock Holmes still has the photograph of the woman who was cleverer than he was .
19 ‘ She still has the token .
20 The man is moving up and down over Andy , his backside looks large and white against the green of the ferns ; he still has the rucksack on and it looks weird , frightening and comical at the same time .
21 The release of the husband from his obligations under the mortgage ( as in Precedent 5 ) will not release him from the covenants for title implied under s76(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925 by his having charged the property as beneficial owner ( The Conveyancer , 1982 , p252 ) ; this lack of complete release however is necessary for the mortgagee so that it still has the covenant for further assurance in the event that a defect in title becomes apparent and some mortgagees insist on a specific covenant to this effect .
22 Her eldest son still has the job he had then in an electronics factory 300 miles away ; her daughter , who was a giggly schoolgirl 15 years ago , is now the mother of three boys ; and her youngest son is now also married and works the family 's half acre of land with his father .
23 So it hardly matters that Connery lives mostly in Marbella , that his residence for tax purposes , used to be on Paradise Island in the Bahamas and is now an apartment in Monte Carlo , although he still has the place in the Bahamas .
24 The current 90 LR still has the tank under the seat .
25 Taylor still has the temerity to hang on to his job .
26 He 's done more than most in the Greater Ranges in the last ten years and still has the prospect of many more years to come .
27 Despite having been through the regulatory mangle time again and time again , the group still has the potential to generate a lot of cash , and yields about 8 p.c. on forecasts for 1993 .
28 Separate from curriculum and assessment , a third element in the 1988 Act , although it affects teaching staff only indirectly , still has the potential to affect the whole future of a school .
29 and he still has the nerve to complain
30 The A one six eight between Dishforth and Thirsk still has the contraflow in place between the A one and the A nineteen and finally just a reminder that er contraflow on the A one at Catterick is causing southbound delays of between five and six miles .
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