Example sentences of "still [verb] n't [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It still has n't really sunk in yet .
2 Thirty-seven-year-old Roseanne admitted : ‘ It still has n't all sunk in yet but it 's a great feeling .
3 What happened next was to so profoundly influence the way the typesetting market operated that it still has n't fully come to terms with the consequences .
4 How it all came to this I still do n't quite know , so cloudy were the after-effects of the whiskey .
5 This is the way I have learned to use my machine and although there are one or two things I still do n't quite understand , I feel that with a bit of determination and the help of your articles I am getting there .
6 ‘ I still do n't quite understand what you mean , ’ Miss Honey said gently .
7 I still do n't really see what it is you 're getting at though . ’
8 I still do n't really know what it was about birds of prey that fascinated me .
9 However , it is important for us to remember that we still do n't really understand how this recoding is done by the brain .
10 ‘ I still do n't really want to talk about her , Aunt Sarah . ’
11 Now erm I still do n't really understand where you got this from .
12 And I still do n't really know how much I 'll receive , or when !
13 And the thing that was said a lot was a Slippery Elm stick , well I still do n't really know what it was but er it was a kind of a s , bark of the Slippery Elms , a Slippery Elm bark or something and they sharpened it to a point and inserted that into the womb you see and it was done , and then of course I heard a lot about gin , sitting in a hot bath with gin .
14 But I still do n't really like it .
15 I ca n't , I still do n't bloody know now !
16 it still did n't damn well work , too right !
17 I still did n't entirely believe my nursie .
18 I tried to help out by looking at the putts , but he still did n't really need me .
19 I still did n't really understand when he said they were lesbians .
20 It was all very well , but she still did n't really understand why he found her so funny .
21 ‘ That pulled us out of trading losses , but it still did n't really get us into a healthy trading position , ’ Tony Harrison recalls .
22 And , although she was rapidly coming to the conclusion that she had made a fool of herself all down the line , she still did n't quite know how .
23 She still had n't completely shed the afterbirth and it was hanging down , a twisted sheet of blood and mucus , between her legs .
24 His hair , frosted now with grey , was still thick with an unruliness that expensive cutting still had n't completely disciplined .
25 Maurice who still had n't exactly made out who he was , suddenly cared intensely about the loss .
26 It still had n't really filtered through to him until he was actually on the ground working , and he just really could n't cope with that .
27 I could n't help smiling at that ; she still had n't quite forgiven me for the fact that her remedy had n't been effective .
28 She still had n't quite lost that tone of bitterness when talking about Martin .
29 So far , although Pottz was now officially numero uno , he still had n't actually won in Hawaii .
30 I still had n't actually thought of doing anything until the woman ran towards me and cried , ‘ Help , please .
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