Example sentences of "must [vb infin] that i " in BNC.

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1 The differences in contents in different individuals come about in the following manner , and here I must stress that I am talking about sexually reproducing species such as our own .
2 Though I must emphasize that I have had little to do with the business .
3 I must emphasize that I am thinking not of antiracism as a political objective , or a goal which emerges alongside other issues from the daily struggles of black people , from the practice of community organizations and voluntary groups , even from the war of position which must be waged inside the institutions of the state .
4 I must emphasize that I will not make a further reduction in interest rates until I 'm sure that it is safe and prudent to do so .
5 Monetary policy will remain tight ; I must emphasize that I will not make a further reduction in interest rates until I am sure that it is safe and prudent to do so .
6 I must explain that I do not like combined heater stats ; in general I find that the heater part packs up within a year , as , regrettably do modern heaters , and I would rather throw away a £5 heater than a £10 plus heater stat .
7 I must explain that I have no phone in my study , to avoid interruption when I am working , and that I take phone calls in the dining-room …
8 For you must know that I had a twin brother , as beautiful as the day , and gentle as a fawn , and wholesome as new bread and butter , whose company pleased me so much , as mine also pleased him , that we swore an oath never to marry but to live forever peacefully in the castle , and hunt and play together the livelong day .
9 You must know that I do . ’
10 ‘ You must know that I am not without artifice where magic is concerned , ’ said Weasel .
11 The hon. Gentleman must know that I am a liar .
12 He must know that I shall bring down some vessels from Orkney .
13 I did n't mean to do it and you must know that I would n't stoop so low — ’
14 Until commissioned to write this feature , I had never used liquid acrylics and , having now worked with them for a few weeks , I must report that I am completely sold on this exciting medium .
15 But you must believe that I kept you here not because I wanted to , but because I believed it my duty to those whom God ( or , well , the Company anyway ) has placed in my care .
16 ‘ Surely you must realize that I have placed myself in a difficult position ?
17 You surely must realize that I could n't take the responsibility … if anything should have happened to his daughter … ’
18 You must realize that I 've got it all worked out in my head so that this does n't have any bearing on you at all . ’
19 The God of my far-off country must remember that I used to pray four times a day and still love me .
20 ‘ But you must remember that I am an industrialist and , really , factories are as interesting to me as museums , ha ! ha ! ’
21 You must understand that I can do nothing further for you .
22 No problem — you must understand that I 've aged a little , I mean I still look roughly the same .
23 You must understand that I never meant anything like this to happen .
24 I must confess that I find this deeply attractive , and I want to draw attention to a few Bible passages where I think this idea is being worked out .
25 I hope I 'll do so , but I must confess that I tend to go and make a pot of tea whenever election coverage starts on the TV .
26 I must confess that I have not the least idea what this phrase could mean in an orthodox Christian context .
27 I must confess that I have spent barely a fraction of my life paying any attention to the ragbag of funk/rap/rawk stomps that have swanned across the Atlantic over the past three years , but even RATM are sufficiently wired to blow several of my brain cells .
28 Even if the Government do not propose legislation themselves , I imagine that some Private Member will introduce a Bill and I must confess that I can see no way of postponing this issue to a ‘ gentler age ’ .
29 ' — I must confess that I have no idea what the TARDIS is doing here .
30 Although I must confess that I was nervous and wary about meeting him , I had thought that he used his smile as a mask and his laugh as a barrier against what was probably monosyllabic narcissism .
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