Example sentences of "must [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 It must remain entirely a matter for the discretion of the prosecuting authorities as to whether they are in a position to and are prepared to give an assurance .
2 You must make quite a lot of money — ’
3 You must make about a hundred times more than you need .
4 And I think if you 're going to open it up , you must consider probably a wicker gate or something s so that a child can not run onto Road .
5 ‘ I must do just a few more menial things before I go to bed ’ or , more oddly , ‘ I was nearly run over on my menial way this morning . ’
6 For most chemical reactions the rate of reaction is much slower than the collision frequency so you must assume only a small fraction of collisions result in a reaction .
7 It follows that , if a full course is to be mounted it must either attract support from all of the three faculties or must bring together an unusually diverse group of colleagues .
8 She must look quite a sight .
9 During the course of my working week I must see quite a number of society magazines .
10 As it rose Edward said thoughtfully , ‘ One gets the impression that this sort of place must cost rather a lot of money . ’
11 The paperwork must cost quite a lot that they keep pushing out .
12 On the other hand , as r increases , the potential energy does not increase without limit ; it must approach asymptotically a finite value , the dissociation energy .
13 I think , I think it think it must cut quite a lot because I mean there 's certain I do n't these biological constraints .
14 ‘ Incidentally , that person must have rather a big mouth , because your shameful little secret 's public knowledge there now . ’
15 To survive , remain active and breed in areas where there is little or no rain and no open water at all , a creature must have both a watertight skin and a watertight egg .
16 By extending the solution back into regions II and III , it can be seen that the approaching waves must have both an impulsive component and a step component with variable polarization .
17 British Passport Holders must have either a full British passport ( valid 10 years only ) or a 1-year-only British visitors passport .
18 The owner must have either an established business desiring to expand or a sound business plan .
19 To enter you must have either an approved Science Degree or 2 ‘ A ’ Levels ( including Chemistry ) and another Science or Maths subject .
20 You must have quite a lot of memories .
21 ‘ You must have quite a way with animals , ’ Fen went on .
22 You see , but he did n't have a Federation of Buil , Master Builders , but whether , I mean this chap must have quite a few , he did n't say it , but
23 When the four sides have been cut , usually giving two short sides and two long ones , you must join together a short side with one that is long .
24 In N.C.B. v Thorne it was held that the word ‘ nuisance ’ in s.92(1) ( a ) of the Public Health Act 1936 must mean either a public or private nuisance as understood at common law .
25 It may be true , as you say , that most types of continental facility can be found in Britain ( if you look hard enough ) , but conditions on the continent are so superior that visitors to this country must get quite a shock .
26 You must get quite a nice
27 McHale has been told that he must put together a side capable of reaching at least the play-offs next season .
28 We must reject absolutely a Europe where your freedom of movement will depend on the colour of your skin .
29 I must sit here a minute .
30 The right hon. Gentleman says that that helps nobody , but it costs £400 million a year , so it must help rather a lot of people .
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