Example sentences of "must [verb] [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The honourable calling of a councillor must be of the highest worth for no councillor must lower himself or his calling by obtaining any illegal financial gain from his activities as a councillor .
2 She must conduct herself as though she was in complete control .
3 So individualism must regard them as being in some way free from the determining influence of society , and it is this which makes the properties of individuals into a suitable stopping point for explanations .
4 For the person with these projects the forwarding of them has an importance to which utilitarianism can not do justice , for it must regard them as simply among the many preferences of which as many as possible are to be satisfied .
5 Incidentally I always do this and yet I must reassure you that I 'm not a Saga representative in anyway , I 'm just keen on , on Saga and their facilities .
6 The second question , therefore , is whether we can accept them as history , or whether we must treat them as myth and " demythologize " them , that is , assume that the miracle did not actually occur as a miraculous event , but that some spiritual truth is enshrined in the story in symbolic form .
7 ‘ The long and short of it is , ’ he wrote to his mother , ‘ I must make something or be miserable . ’
8 Hence the individual voter 's starting-point in trying to influence policy through the electoral process is a situation of very limited choice in which it is general policy biases , or even more general considerations , often described as ‘ party images ’ , that must govern his or her selection of an MP .
9 The one who was doctrinaire was Williams , who regarded the iambic measure as a chief curse of the English legacy from which American poetry must free itself if it was ever to stand on its own .
10 must insure him or them in respect of any liability which may be incurred by him or them m respect of the use of the vehicle and of any trailer , whether or not coupled , in the territory other than Great Britain and Gibraltar of each of the member states of the Communities according to the law on compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of vehicles of the state where the liability may be incurred ; and
11 You must promise me that this will be our little secret . ’
12 Someone out there must know something and I appeal to them to come forward . ’
13 Mother and I decided that in the interests of hygiene we could not take Father 's body into Chiguana , but must bury him where he lay .
14 Thus , any time that you receive a QDM which is within 4° either side of the Track , you must recognise it as being your Track .
15 In the case of a restricted licence , the LA must revoke it if , twice within a five-year period , the holder is found guilty of carrying goods which should have been covered by a standard or standard international licence .
16 Detective Inspector Jack Rogers , who is leading the hunt for the man , said : ‘ We must catch him before he kills someone ’ ’ .
17 If he has n't said anything yet , we must catch him when he leaves the police station . ’
18 The Commissioner 's report is made public , and the authority must consider it if an adverse finding is made .
19 After all , Mercurius was the tutelary deity of the Art , and it was of his very nature to beguile and confuse in this manner ; but she could take no comfort from the knowledge , for she must pursue him as through a hall of mirrors , from one bride-chamber to the next , and at each remove he shifted shape with such dispiriting agility that , again and again , she might have cried out loud for rest .
20 In routine work the field man must display himself as competent in other , subtler ways , showing himself to be on top of his job .
21 Epictetus said that we have been placed in a festival and we must enjoy it and be full of delight in it .
22 You must identify them and express them , otherwise frustration and anger build up .
23 So in word positions where there are a number of alternative candidates ( e.g. the last position ) the semantic analyser must identify one as being the most plausible ( e.g. ’ house ’ , ’ rouse ’ or ’ rouge ’ ) .
24 If the account is for a child under seven , you must identify yourself and produce the child 's birth certificate .
25 You and your mother must show her that you are a similar importance in her life .
26 Surely his death must show you that we ca n't stay hidden any longer .
27 Will my hon. Friend agree to tell the chairman of British Rail that he must do everything that he possibly can to improve the standard of service on that line for my constituents before 1995 ?
28 The illustrations must do something that the text has not done or that the text can not do : ‘ You must never illustrate exactly what is written .
29 Anyone who 's vigilant knows what 's going on and they 're aware of what 's happening , so again it , it shows that we must do something as they said on that motorway , the thing to do when you feel yourself going into drow drowsiness is , is stop the car perhaps , get out and have a walk round , do something , I know I , er in the past when I 've felt myself going off to sleep in those situations , I 've been pinching myself and , and really making yourself do something rather than just sitting there doing nothing , cos that 's the way we just go off and get lowered into sleep and our lives are involved in this , we 've read and heard about people that have gone to sleep on motorways have n't they ?
30 Rochers town , we were only a short way and we went to this house , we were only young coppers , and we had this friend call on us and we looked out , he was going back into the car and he looked down the street and he said , my God there 's an awful lot of children around here , they must do nothing but screw all the time
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