Example sentences of "through it and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her brain burst as the neck-shaft speared through it and exploded from the top of her head .
2 So you 've got to read through it and let .
3 But once this dangerous stage has been reached rapid growth will hasten the passage through it and increase the likelihood of emergence at the other end .
4 Well I 've just I 've just quickly gone through it and said , the the documents that are blue in this this copy ,
5 A rat gnawed a hole in the box and water leaked through it and injured A's goods .
6 Lorton glanced through it and went home immediately .
7 We smashed through it and came to a halt , a tangle of wire wrapped around the hood .
8 If the leak has been caused by a puncture in the middle of a pipe run , cut through it and remove about 20mm ( 8in ) of pipe so you can reconnect the cut ends with a special repair compression fitting .
9 Well , can I suggest that we look at Simon 's document and go through it and respond that we take the three proposals that Jenny has tabled , review and agree or decide to adjust and ask Stella and Rita to prepare for the next meeting documents then as assignments ?
10 but ca n't flow through it and get back .
11 Its teaching supplies the data which he must gather and interpret scientifically by tracing the general principles running through it and underlying the particular propositions it contains .
12 A good agency interviewer will look through it and pick up on the same gaps and discrepancies which will appear to the job interviewer but will not be looking with any one particular job in mind .
13 she 's walking the through it and stuffed them in the ground !
14 The opposite problem is experienced by those who are lacking in confidence , who feel that they should not worry other people with their problems and who , if they finally make an appointment , tend to rush through it and come away without covering all the points with which they had really hoped to deal .
15 But we were able to work through it and come out the other side .
16 Wexford leafed through it and saw that Hatton had paid twenty-five pounds for the lamp on May 22nd .
17 That 's another thing you see that that that today you had a a tin ladle and it ever the ladle sort of leaked or developed a hole in ti you did n't discard it and throw it away , you used to go and buy what was called a , which was two little tin washers with a little bit of , I ca n't remember if it was f a fabric or or rubber , two pieces and you put one on one side and one the other and then a little screw and bolt went through , nut and bolt went through it and tightened it up and that stopped your leak , and that ladle then lasted a lot more a lot longer time .
18 It is connected to an artery and a vein , so that blood flows through it and supplies the beta cells .
19 just how dark each region is can be measured in an automatic scanner which passes a tiny beam of light through it and records how much is transmitted .
20 rather than works just going through it and hoping you all keep up
21 I played through it and thought , ‘ That 's it , that 's what I want , ’ because of the warmth .
22 In a flash , he was through it and gone .
23 I 'm actually also hoping to get , someone who was erm concerned at the campaign to come to the meeting , cos I think it would be very useful to have someone who 's been through it and to say how , how they tackled it , so I think it should an interesting meeting , hopefully we 'll get a few , you know interesting people to come along and we can spend from that meeting campaign .
24 So , next time you prepare for the carve gybe think your way through it and imagine what it feels like to bear away , bending the knees and , at the end , flipping the rig .
25 You were supposed to read through it and have a look .
26 If we do , we now have a model and can say that he and his family have been through it and have borne it with great fortitude , resilience and courage — as has been said , only through their deep religious faith — and that that has been a great lesson to us all .
27 By that time I was n't so much listening to that kind of stuff — I had gone through it and stopped .
28 And if there is read through it and see the you know , li and then Peter will .
29 Erm so have a go at that stuff and work through it and think about think of new words for yourself and I 've suggested that he gets a notebook to put some spelling in .
30 The final stitch is finished in the usual way , by pulling the yarn end through it and pulling tight .
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