Example sentences of "after a [noun sg] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He never said anything else and after a minute Maggie got her breath back and asked ,
2 After a while Lydia grew bored with hearing people insulting the weather .
3 After a while Lydia understood .
4 Mairi was furious when after a while Luch started to take long to return with the bucket , but it did her no good ; the wee lass often vanished for hours at a time , in spite of the scoldings she got when she returned late .
5 After a while Mrs Goreng led the American woman out , leaving us males by ourselves .
6 After a while Mrs Goreng seemed to drop it .
7 It began to rain heavily , and after a while Oliver opened his eyes .
8 After a while Father Poole began to unbutton his overcoat .
9 After a while Father Poole straightened up with a groan and lay back in the chair .
10 Isobel vanished round the house and after a while Anna heard the engine of her little car start up and putter away down the drive .
11 After a while Dorian Gray looked up .
12 After a while Memet followed to tell her how much he loved her , but she would n't listen .
13 After a while Ollie jumped down and sat a few feet away .
14 After a while Wyn asked , ‘ How long did the child live ? ’
15 After a while Gurder said , ‘ I feel a bit better now . ’
16 After a while Alexandra turned round and walked with bare feet , her chin high , across the studio and mounted the dais .
17 After a while Lambert stopped looking .
18 The pace was fast , but after a while Arghatun reined in until he was riding at Rostov 's side .
19 That was what they seemed to have in common , that and Rufus 's brother and Adam knowing each other already , but after a while Adam got to see things he admired in Rufus , his toughness , the way he 'd got himself organized and in hand , the way he knew where he was going and yet still could be amusing and casual .
20 After a while Aunt Louise retired and our visitor tidied his papers together and looked across at me .
21 After a while Marcus came to his window and it seemed he stared straight into my eyes .
22 After a while Tuppe asked , ‘ How is the daddy ? ’
23 After a while Owen could stand it no longer and went along .
24 After a while Owen said : ‘ There 's something you could do to help . ’
25 After a while Bathsheba said goodnight to her farm workers , and closed the sitting-room door and windows .
26 They all watched and smiled , and after a while Tom broke the silence with an impatience which told happy Belinda that he simply could n't wait to break the other important news of the evening .
27 After a while Jack bent over and listened , although she said , ‘ It does n't mean anything , love .
28 After a while Bambi and Nell returned alone , and Bambi with an unexcited word of gratitude to Nell walked a few paces forward and stopped beside her son , who had done nothing to comfort or help his sister and was now sitting alone .
29 After a while Bridget asked if she 'd like to see over the house , and Kevin 's room , which he 'd shared with Shamus , of course .
30 After a while Theodora said , ‘ My own contribution here will be more circumstantial .
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