Example sentences of "way they [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 For young women more than any other group there is so much scope for expression through the way they dress and look , so many more opportunities to have fun , play around with the rules , and make some of their own .
2 I think somebody said it 's mad the way they try and
3 How these different groups actively engage in shaping the world they live in , the artifacts they produce and the mannerisms observed in their use , the different interpretations they make of their lives and the way they present and convey these views to each other , all form the sum total of a society 's culture .
4 A ground-floor display sets the scene , with an AV show on The Way They Lived and an invitation to Meet Our Edwardians .
5 As the head of science put it : I think once it gets off the ground and we have got the library and the integrated studies and study skills teaching in a central resource area for the whole school , I think then , people are going to have to start seriously appraising the way they teach and I think that can only be a good thing .
6 Maybe we should listen out for the noise in the voices of Kristin Hersh , Tim Buckley , Prince , Michael Jackson — the way they chew and twist language not for any decipherable , expressive reason , ( that 's to say , not to accentuate more deeply the conventional mannerisms of ‘ passion ’ ) , but for the gratuitous voluptuousness of utterance itself .
7 I worried about whether they would be safe just walking down the street , the way they looked and acted . ’
8 The conventional wisdom on isotopes of the same element is that they can a distinguished only in two ways : by the different masses of the nuclei , and by subtle differences in the way they absorb and emit light of specific wavelengths .
9 ‘ Then we will take the boy 's speech and writing which is so good and subject it to careful analysis and if we teach the other boys whose writing and speech is not so good how to subject what they say and write to this kind of analysis they will realise how badly they speak and write and will promptly set about trying to improve the way they speak and write … . ’
10 I think the one thing , that that really annoys me about the royal family is the way they speak and the fact that the way that they speak is still re re regarded by certain sections of the , population , both in Scotland and in England , as being er , the correct way in which the English language should be pronounced , which is of course , arrant nonsense !
11 Many girls spoke to me of how a fear of being raped or ‘ hassled ’ affected the way they dressed and how they felt about their looks and bodies .
12 These data must , however , only be taken as very approximate guides as to the probable distribution of causes of dementia as studies have not standardized the way they define and collect their information .
13 Such theories have been plausibly criticized for their romantic and Utopian strains , also for the way they echo and sometimes invoke a post-Freudian version of the polymorphous perverse .
14 I began to see how they constructed a world view through the way they worked and what I wanted was irrelevant really .
15 You have to make your own decision about the type of condoms you want , thinking about factors such as the way they smell and taste ( if you want to use a condom in oral sex ) , how easy they are to put on and how they feel during sex , what they feel like , how much they cost and so on .
16 The news media can , by the way they report and by the significance they attach to personalities , events and the statements of individuals , colour the attitudes of the public and in turn influence the way in which the constitution is interpreted and the political system works .
17 The actors made the play very exciting and left everybody astounded and intrigued with the way they performed and to add to this the stage really set the scene with the back drops and props .
18 ‘ I 'd like to change because I think good actors do alter the way they look and it 's something I plan to work on for my career in the future . ’
19 Despite their apparent lack of intelligence Orcs are not stupid , although they are rather limited in the way they think and act .
20 Both regretted the way they behaved and resumed their differences .
21 In the way they work and their finances , general insurance companies are unusual creatures .
22 What I mean is , she does n't seem surprised by the way they behave and how they react to things ; it seems normal to her and she accepts it .
23 And I , I suspect that they 're on their way out because the way they leap and scream and bang and thump I should think that they , most of them have been on drugs .
24 Though I agreed with their political views , I could not condone the way they acted and was glad to see them go at last .
25 However the most disturbing illustration of the reality of their love is the way they treat and talk to each other the following morning .
26 I find in me A strange compulsion to direct all men E'en to the way they stand and walk or move .
27 Allow this clause to go through unamended and there is a serious danger that a future Home Secretary 's friends on a police authority could indicate that if a chief officer did not see things the way they did and that of the government of the day his contract might not be renewed .
28 More fundamentally still , Wade asks how can bureaucrats adjust their behaviour if it is presumed that they are rational in the way they choose and allocate their resources ( Wade 1979 ) .
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