Example sentences of "way that they [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Future friends ’ , the first part , describes the history of computers and the way that they are currently developing .
2 It is only when your treatment of them is lacking in some way that they are likely to show any degree of aggression .
3 It is technically perfectly lawful for a Minister of the Crown to be empowered to make statutory instruments in such a way that they are never subjected to parliamentary scrutiny — indeed , there is no requirement of promulgation or publication for an instrument to become legally binding and an instrument made by the Minister and cached in his bottom drawer could be as binding as the Theft Act ( although in this situation ignorance might , rarely in our law , offer a defence by reason of s.3(2) of the Statutory Instruments Act
4 That the goods involved be stored in such a way that they are clearly identifiable .
5 Speech production is seen as relying on the reverse process — that is , the ability to translate abstract ideas into speech sounds and to articulate those speech sounds in such a way that they are comprehensible to other people .
6 Unless they have evolved in such a way that they are specially adapted to do otherwise , most plants — and our roses certainly — naturally absorb nutrients through their root systems .
7 Suppose that I am supplied with a sequence of electrons which have been prepared in such a way that they are all in the same state of motion .
8 That 's in the open ocean in enclosed basins , for example the Black Sea , many fjords and sea lochs , the deep waters are not renewed by water masses moving in from other areas in the way that they are in the open ocean and there anoxia can occur in the deep waters , that is the oxygen can be completely removed by biological activity particularly in degradation processes of organic matter , bacterial respiration so anoxic conditions can occur in isolated deep basins but low oxygen concentrations are actually very rare in the open ocean .
9 These rays are refracted by the material of the lens in such a way that they are brought to a focus on the retina , so forming an image of the viewed object .
10 We ca n't we devise publishing concepts which capture children 's imaginations in such a way that they are confident to spend as much time talking about what they have been reading as they are about last night 's episode of ‘ Neighbours ’ ?
11 However , in the same way that they are ideally placed to assess patients ' needs , so they have an idea of the important areas requiring research .
12 The basis of the whole exercise is the assumption that , in any ordinary human language , the set of terms which can be glossed as " father " , " mother " , " brother " , " sister " etc. , because of the way that they are employed within the context of the domestic family , is somehow primary and basic .
13 It is necessary to organise the compounds in such a way that they are treated in a similar manner to individual words .
14 If my hon. Friend has a chance to visit any of the executive agencies , as I do , he will be very impressed by the way that they are tackling their tasks .
15 Has he looked at the way that they are used by individual police forces ?
16 Some adjustments can amount to a loss of steadfastness , others can lead to values becoming curtained or shadowed in such a way that they are no longer clear to other people .
17 You may be familiar with those sorts of stories which say my convent life was hell with the Sisters of Mercy er that kind of story about er church organisations that absolute not to show er Christian qualities in the way that they are organised is quite true that often Christian organisations do find it hard to show forgiveness .
18 For liberty to be opposing it in the way that they are shows that they do n't remotely understand the best interests of our children or our schools .
19 For example with education , it 'll be a terrible thing for education if the middle classes continue to contract out in the way that they are so we have a divorced system of independent education quite separate from the state system .
20 Imamu and Boo are not similar in the way that they are both the same age or the same colour , but what makes them similar and comparable is that they are both outsiders in society .
21 in the way that they 're saying it
22 in the way that they 're saying it
23 But it is of concern and I do hope that in the next forthcoming er house er when the the house sits in the forthcoming rounds , that they will be mindful of the representations which have been made nationally and that the Police service and the proposals contained , particularly in the Police bill , will not be fully implemented in the way that they 're currently proposed on the white paper today .
24 I wonder if I could just raise an issue on item two three D on page four referring to horse riding because there is a concern about a , a lot of walkers , that horse riding on footpaths creates problems for them erm in , in terms of chewing up the path in , in such a way that they 're difficult to walk on , people even wearing boots .
25 good recollections of erm and even events that are n't necessarily really funny but can be funny you know , on the way tha , in the way that they 're being told .
26 the trouble with this is it 's an American book so it 's a bit , I call it biased , erm on erm the betrayal of children on , on the way that they 're not in childhood for very long and it blames literacy , that the more the literate the child becomes
27 that they , the only way that they 're going to change the existing order
28 I think it boils down to the fact that it 's fairly economic to transport vast quantities of people but not to transport from the outer edges and the odd bits in the middle and there 's no way that they 're going to get a full and comprehensive service come what may .
29 Are there events taking place that we will never ever see because they 're so far away , or maybe they 're taking place in such a way that they 're moving away faster than the light is travelling in our direction ?
30 Now obviously this can happen a bit , but I do n't think , on the whole it happens very much , at least certainly not in a way that matters erm I do n't think it does matter if people change things a little bit , because erm but on the whole people are doing things in the way that they 're doing them erm because they 've got accustomed to doing them that way and that 's the way that they 've planned it , and that 's the way that it comes out as a result of all of those pressures that there are on them .
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