Example sentences of "way that [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Although most of these techniques are expensive and difficult to use , it is possible that at least some of them may become more easily available ; they can be very useful both for discovering in detail how English speakers produce their speech sounds , and for demonstrating to learners of English their pronunciation errors in a way that helps them to correct them .
2 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
3 In addition , many of them can be tied into Personal Construct Theory in a way that allows its associated Repertory Grid Technique to be used both as an investigatory tool and as a means whereby the perception of art might be enhanced .
4 This matter must not be singled out in a way that allows it to be used to override National Park objectives .
5 This matter must not be singled out in a way that allows it to be used to override National Park objectives .
6 I want to make the volume of the space tangible , so that it is understood immediately , physically , by your body ; not that the sculpture is a body in relation to your body , but that the volume , through the placement of the two sculptural elements , becomes manifest in a way that allows you to experience it as a whole .
7 There are people in the Civil Service who can talk in a way that fascinates her . ’
8 The frescoes , for example , show many elements that are borrowed from Minoan Crete , but handled in a way that turns them into distinctively Theran compositions .
9 I shall argue that a political society that accepts integrity as a political virtue thereby becomes a special form of community , special in a way that promotes its moral authority to assume and deploy a monopoly of coercive force .
10 So , in their own interest , the firms should be very careful that the finger is not pointed at them , that they are not seen to have acted in a way that abuses their power and cuts across their independence and integrity . ’
11 Some LEAs ( notably ILEA ) have tried to present examination results in a way that relates them to the ability of the school 's intake .
12 And indeed , as Daly sees women as having become ‘ mutants ’ or ‘ fembots ’ , so Millett sees them as not having been allowed to participate in fully ‘ human ’ activities ( which she characterises as those that are most remote from the biological contingencies of life ) , and Frye sees them as simply ‘ broken ’ and then ‘ remade ’ in the way that suits their masters .
13 The drawing room , dining room and library combine elegance and homeliness in a way that suits our century admirably .
14 However you work in selecting a remedy find the way that suits you and gives you results as shown by a good response to its administration .
15 Monthly payments will then be made for maintaining the lands in a way that preserves their wildlife and scenic beauty .
16 Otley said , holding me close and nibbling my ear in a way that drives me wild .
17 They should be displayed in a way that enables them to be appreciated by all the children in the class , whatever their visual capabilities .
18 Pipework and cable have to be laid and , if you deploy central heating pumps , they need to be housed in a way that enables them to be accessible , yet invisible .
19 The following assumptions are intended to conform with the Keynesian view of the economy and to simplify the analysis in such a way that enables us to make useful predictions .
20 The fire-bellied toad normally prefers to remain hidden and its back is patterned and coloured in a way that enables it to do so by blending in with its surroundings .
21 Instead of repeating all that has been said and written before , we will therefore discuss these matters in a way that enables you to use your common-sense judgement and understand why you decide to do something .
22 It encourages individuals to make a personal pledge to change their lives in a way that minimises their impact on the environment — each of the eight pledges shown here will make a real difference .
23 When you see her being bossy , you can intervene in a way that lets her see that the other children need a chance to say what they want to do .
24 But Newley sings it in a way that personalises it .
25 There is also a tendency to state the obvious in a way that stops it from being obvious .
26 These problems require very different sorts of action ; together their requirements conflict in a way that gives him little room for manoeuvre .
27 These problems require very different sorts of action ; together their requirements conflict in a way that gives him little room for manoeuvre .
28 What the strategy does do , is to formalize and focus the analysis in a way that gives everybody concerned the essential basis for developing and judging good advertising — the two aspects that take up the next two chapters .
29 Powerful business institutions operate in a way that ensures their interests are given priority , rather than the interests of the less powerful sectors of the community .
30 Yet Conrad uses these elements , which we may term romantic , in a way that sets him far from stories , seemingly similar , by ( say ) Rider Haggard or Buchan .
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