Example sentences of "way to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As in the Boer War , the issue of peace cut across class lines , opening the way to a political realignment .
2 Boxing : Lewis ' heavyweight thoughts : Nick Halling on the British-born fighter who is boxing clever on his way to a possible title challenge to Mike Tyson
3 HOME Office minister John Patten yesterday opened the way to a possible full-scale official examination of the conviction of the Birmingham pub bombers .
4 By this time the original confrontation between marchers and police had given way to a general battle between the police and young residents of the Bogside , most of whom had taken no part in the march .
5 This decision led the way to a general concept of the need for ‘ fairness ’ in the administrative process .
6 In doing so they have pointed the way to a European future in which Germany will be the single biggest power , economically , politically , and perhaps militarily , so far as that still matters .
7 On Jan. 2 , 1993 ( the date on which the civilian administration was to have been inaugurated ) the Armed Forces Ruling Council ( AFRC ) would be dissolved and replaced by a National Defence and Security Council ; the present Council of Ministers would also cease to exist , giving way to a civilian Transitional Council with the responsibility of overseeing the final stages of the transition .
8 We now stand poised on the brink of a great new episode in European evolution and I am proud that the party of which I am a member has taken our country forward and is now leading the way to a sustainable economic and political union .
9 The collapse of the command economy has given way to a good deal of racketeering and corruption .
10 If you know them you 're on your way to a good mark .
11 Midnight 's suppurating wounds gradually cleaned , but the intense sickness only slowly subsided , giving way to a low fever that sapped his strength and depressed his mind .
12 The tall hedge to her left suddenly gave way to a low brick wall , and she found herself driving past the Red House .
13 Murray 's apparently effortless escape has caused fury in Australia where there have been claims he must have bribed his way to a low security catagorization
14 The poor woman had given way to a black mood and been swamped by her ugly past , he explained .
15 Who else would follow a lump of iron ore from Mount Newman in Western Australia all the way to a Japanese smelter and on to the Nissan showrooms in California ?
16 Blackmoor 's Paul Tupper — on his way to a superb 66 .
17 Treacherous conditions gave way to a clumsy game .
18 Nutty rode on hopefully , but when she got to the gate Mrs Smith was backing out in a large yellow Range Rover and glared at having to give way to a mere equestrian .
19 He waited for three-quarters of an hour , until the mottled grey of false-dawn had given way to a pink-and-pearl flush above the silent rooftops , then left , walking between the rows of drawn curtains and smiling at his wrong choice .
20 You are taken from a general understanding of PCs , all the way to a thorough understanding of PCs and Networks , and how to implement a satisfactory level of security .
21 Regretfully he kissed her forehead , extracted himself from her embrace and sent her on her way to a virtuous bed .
22 The summer , which was a glorious one that year , gave way to a gusty autumn , and , as is the way with these things , after the autumn came the winter .
23 Her own intense excitement had given way to a hollow feeling in her stomach and she had been quite unable to eat for several days .
24 Maybe we were on our way to a cheap Indian self-service restaurant that Malcolm had introduced us to .
25 I thought it only civil to break the ice with this boy of hitherto laggardly intelligence who had somehow scrambled his way to a temporary plateau of scholastic proximity .
26 She is a middle-American matron on her way to a Catholic retreat .
27 Film superstar Alan Rickman took a little time to settle comfortably into the stage mantle of Shakespeare 's much-wronged prince , as if the echo of his own voice was vying with King Hamlet 's exhortations to do the deed , but this soon gives way to a gentle yet powerful Hamlet .
28 The tears gave way to a great sense of release and peace as she and the woman prayed together .
29 ‘ Willingly , ’ Rose agreed , and led the way to a small antechamber that led off the main saloon .
30 When the keeper had captured the monkey in the net he led the way to a small building which he informed them was the annexe to the quarantine block .
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