Example sentences of "way [that] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Then , before each execution of the add instruction , we arrange to manipulate it as data in such a way that one is added to the address portion of the instruction ; thus the add instruction refers successively to store addresses 100,101,102 , and so on .
2 ‘ Well , the way that everyone 's at her .
3 Sometimes , these pictures can be quite discouraging and it seems that there 's no way that we be anything like these men and women .
4 Well I can I can see lots of people just giving up hope and thinking , there 's no way that we 're going to get any better .
5 But I think if we persist if the club and ourselves continue the way that we 're going those numbers will become less and less .
6 Couple of points though about this erm , how the parish council is recognized within the organization because it 's important and that did our day as well and , I suppose in a way it 's the one , one or so positive things out of this that we kind of latch on to , that the communication part is important and erm there may be others that feel the same way that we 're not actually communicating what it is that we 're doing , so , so maybe
7 And if there 's no work and if there 's no means by which people can get themselves you know those sorts of basic things but you know I 'm not gon na si I I could n't say that the whole structure is going to ch change becau but I think erm I hope anyway and I do believe really that er I mean I hope that we 're going to stay together as a support group in some sort of form and Yes and there 's no way that we 're not going to support other causes in the way that we 've been supported .
8 If you 're gon na do something radical and change the way that we 're going to look after children you 've got to take the people with you .
9 And that 's a serious side to cos if we in Council do n't lead the way to the way that we 're trying through the Euro Cities by offering what 's good in to Europe , developing those links so that we can share them with the community here and other cultural links , then we 're doing a dis- service .
10 Okay then we used this er in a way that we 're using it right now to er produce our design for what we were going to say through thought patterns .
11 Now a Z score is a convenient way of encapsulating that and this is a way that we 're gon na g work out the correlation coefficient okay ?
12 also they 're not used to the way that we 're used to living .
13 erm well I mean I think there 's a problem for adults as well as children in that we I do n't think it 's helpful to cover ourselves in guilt about erm what happens to the suffering that other people experience , arguably erm in order to maintain us in the living standards , you know , we 've learned to expect , but at the same time I think that the situation in the world is only tolerable to us psychologically because on some level we convince ourselves that erm those people who are starving and those children who are in a hysterically trying to keep themselves out of the way of shrapnel and hiding night after night in freezing cold shelters in Baghdad are not really people and not really children in the same way that we 're people and our children are children , and do n't feel things in the same way .
14 I think the way that we 're much more open
15 The other , more disturbing reading is that the Shakespearian phrases are made appropriate because the present situation reinterprets them in such a way that we are forced to wonder if a Burbank-Volupine situation was not just the sort of thing they were talking about all along .
16 God is not present in the way that we are present , in bodily form .
17 It is in this way that we are able to develop an appreciation of spatial order .
18 ‘ But the way that we are playing , not too many teams will fancy taking us on .
19 A a and certainly the way that we are set up at the moment , there is no need for us to do that .
20 That is not the case — and it is because it is not the case that we are making progress in the way that we are .
21 and w w w we are either half controlled or we 're , we can now see that you know the civil war is , is going so quickly our way that we are going to have control within a year or so we are likely to have control over the economy as a whole .
22 Well it so happens that I did intend you to do a paramount of talking this afternoon , so it 's quite convenient in a way that we are being recorded .
23 And there 's no way that we are going to be in a position to change your world , but we 're going to be able to change it slightly , not change it totally , .
24 I mean there 's no doubt that in human terms that child needs that fifty pence more than you do , but we do n't because I mean there 's a level in which we ca n't because we have to somehow psychologically protect ourselves , and I believe we do do that by convincing ourselves that somehow people out there are not people in the same way that we are .
25 So a big change in the way that we are arranged has actually come about through the general management structure , and we 're hoping that this will give us more room , if you like to start looking at priorities , and to move the budget around in accordance with our feelings about those priorities .
26 But that is the way that many people are living , says Paul , and that is the way that we were before we decided to follow Christ .
27 Makers Matchbox last night promised deliveries but said : ‘ There is no way that what is coming will meet demand . ’
28 ‘ Future friends ’ , the first part , describes the history of computers and the way that they are currently developing .
29 It is only when your treatment of them is lacking in some way that they are likely to show any degree of aggression .
30 It is technically perfectly lawful for a Minister of the Crown to be empowered to make statutory instruments in such a way that they are never subjected to parliamentary scrutiny — indeed , there is no requirement of promulgation or publication for an instrument to become legally binding and an instrument made by the Minister and cached in his bottom drawer could be as binding as the Theft Act ( although in this situation ignorance might , rarely in our law , offer a defence by reason of s.3(2) of the Statutory Instruments Act
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