Example sentences of "how can [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 How can Taylor be blamed for those individual actions ?
2 How can life be so cheap ?
3 How can life be so cheap ? ’ she demanded .
4 The democratic process demands that ministers shall be accountable to Parliament : how can ministers be accountable if they avoid telling what they have done ?
5 But how can difficulties be assisted or cleared out of the way if , when attending the lecture , you know nothing of the topic discussed ?
6 How can omniscience be reconciled with free will ?
7 How can doctors be made more accountable for the resources they use and what kind of incentives are appropriate ?
8 How can teachers be prepared to undertake the process of pragmatic mediation that I have been proposing in these chapters ?
9 How can teachers be supported to help them deal with sensitive issues ?
10 How can History be a unity if it is also conflictual , if each action is aimed at destroying the other and results in a double negation in which the original aims of each action have been destroyed by the other ?
11 If I , as an EHO , find them difficult , how can caterers be expected to interpret them accurately ? ’
12 How can HIV be passed on ?
13 How can war be eradicated ?
14 How can people be politically persecuted in America or in many western European countries ?
15 How can people be expected to submit detailed applications when , for a variety of social reasons and through no fault of their own , they do not have the wherewithal , information and literacy to express themselves ?
16 How can relationships be addictive ?
17 How can investment be encouraged there with such negative NPVs ?
18 Is this safe , and how can interest be tax free ?
19 The purpose of this chapter is to try and clarify these issues by asking : ( a ) what is quality in health care ? ( b ) whose quality are we talking about ? ( c ) how can quality be turned into a reality in the new NHS ?
20 If we find cognisance flourishing where there is a set of actions as restricted as those of Christy Nolan 's , then how can reality be something that we posit as the limits of action : in this case a poor actor should have a correspondingly poor grasp of the real .
21 How can pupils be categorized and what are the consequences of perceiving , labelling and responding to pupils in certain ways ?
22 How can omnipotence be just ?
23 How can shadows be made ?
24 How can Christ be a perfect penitent if he is really sinless ? putting it in ordinary terms : if you are completely innocent of a crime , no one is going to make much sense of it if you say : ‘ I am not guilty of this offence , but I confess on behalf of others and wish to represent their guilt . ’
25 How can sexism be challenged ?
26 How can jobs be created by the housing sector in West Belfast ? increase overall budget to include expansion of re-build programme , upgrading of repairs service ? should there be positive discrimination in favour of the local workforce on schemes taking place in West Belfast ?
27 How can Xavier be spelt with X.
28 But how can Medenica be so sure that Ali 's problem is not severe brain damage ?
29 How can God be both personal and impersonal ?
30 How can God be seen to be good when one considers what history has been , and what it has meant for women that God has been conceived in primarily male terms ?
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