Example sentences of "how it be [that] " in BNC.

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31 It is difficult for us now to understand how it was that so many serious thinkers in those days were prophetically-minded .
32 That was part of the trouble , that was how it was that events were set in motion .
33 She wondered , not for the first time , how it was that her body could be desperate for liquid at one end while bursting to get rid of it at the other .
34 Did Paul VI , for example , ever wonder how it was that his parents , belonging to the prosperous and cultivated Lombardy semi-aristocracy , contrived to have only three children , while the share-cropping peasants , the Roncallis , had no less than twelve ?
35 Indeed , if you want to find out how it was that Bonn at grew wealthy enough to buy the many works of art that he did , you need only go into the room reserved in the museum , on the ground floor , for his society portraits .
36 I could not understand how it was that they were discussing so placidly Jean-Claude 's current compositional ideas for the ‘ Chansons de Mani ’ .
37 But I did wonder , after a year or more , how it was that he and Mme G expected me to use the public baths rather than offer me the convenience of the bathroom in the pavillon .
38 At times when I sensed that the gulf between Jean-Claude and me was so wide as to be almost unbridgeable , I would wonder how it was that our love-making had lost nothing of its fervour .
39 I explained how it was that as a child I had been told I was an eidetiker but that it had meant nothing to me .
40 And how it was that I had rediscovered the gift in pubescence , as if prompted by my burgeoning sexuality .
41 And she smiled at Raynor and saw him smile back , and felt renewed and restored , and understood how it was that Bec and the others came to Raynor for help .
42 There were so many people in the room that you could not pass a needle between them , so how it was that the Gypsy Kings , carrying large musical instruments and followed by a television crew , came to arrive at the dinner table unmaimed , must remain a mystery for ever .
43 Rain never knew how it was that a man who spoke no word of a foreign language could master the intricacies of ordering a favourite type of beer in any country on earth .
44 In calmer moments , too , she understood how it was that Edward , though generous at heart , found it difficult to give way .
45 The general theory of relativity links the gravitational force and the structure of space–time , and so we should begin with a few remarks on the gravitational force and then explain how it was that the classical or Newtonian view of gravitation came to be seen as unsatisfactory .
46 I forget how it was that I told Maurice Reckitt about it before Eliot , who usually received prior intelligence about my activities in this sphere .
47 If we are going to start looking into where money has gone , let us examine how it was that the right hon. Member for Worcester ( Mr. Walker ) had a job for two months and a £100,000 pay-off and a Mercedes for a penny .
48 Historians have to explain how it was that slower increase up to then permitted an expansion of the home market which the later faster rate of population increase did not reverse .
49 When we look at these disasters we must again ask ourselves how it was that Harris and Eaker could sustain those losses and go time and again .
50 Where you think that one of your disbursements is likely to be challenged you should get the expert to produce a breakdown of how it was that the fees came to be charged , whether on a fixed rate basis or an hourly charge basis , and this should be available to disclose to the opposition and to be used on taxation .
51 Can we ask Mr how it was that he eliminated three sectors ?
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