Example sentences of "how [pron] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How I remember outside is like the end of a erm O U T spells out .
2 You may see then how I set about developing … ’
3 And stood blocking like , how I get round to the till !
4 I do not want to go into detail about how I get on with Michael .
5 I stopped after a short while and said ‘ this is nonsense — I ca n't learn any more of this sort of thing by two o'clock — I must just do a prose right through and see how I get on ’ .
6 I 'm quite interested to see how I get on with her actually cos I 've only ever known her in the context of Tom and Darrel really .
7 I 'll have to try it and see how I get on .
8 ‘ You 're wondering how I get by , what the hell I do to get by .
9 I think for a bit about going to ask him how I get home but I do n't want to ask him in case he tells Mr Jackson .
10 H but how I mean how would you For example l like the the interviewing further interviewing skills for the performance .
11 She said she does n't know how I put up wie ye . ’
12 ‘ This is me — this is how I dress up to go out ’ Pepsi
13 It 's not , how I prosper financially .
14 ( How I go on , month after month about these ! )
15 See how I turn up the corners of my mouth as I tell you again , twenty-five dollars . ’
16 Erm I do recognise some faces , I know some of you recognise me and eh cos we 've done quite a lot of things together , but this afternoon what I 'm going to tell you about is how I fit in with Council , I do n't think any of you know that or know what the Local Government Unit is .
17 how I do n't know , we ca n't have any rebate
18 ‘ I know it all depends on me how I stand up to games and how I play . ’
19 Cos you know how I hang about with you lot a lot when I was younger and we used to like climbing roofs and everything , she goes you 're too immature .
20 how I look just at this second or anything !
21 I am 82 and housebound , and so you can imagine how I look forward to seeing a meaningful TV presentation .
22 I do n't like how I look very much . ’
23 but I that 's how I interpret anyway .
24 But I came through all that and thought , I 'm never going to feel guilty about how I feel again , or what I want to do .
25 It 's responded well without too much swelling.I 'm looking forward to it but how I feel tomorrow is the real test
26 Cos I 'm in bed right , cos sometimes I go , in the week it depends how I feel like , tonight I 'll probably go to bed about about half-ten or eleven cos I 'm gon na watch Ruby Wax and sometimes
27 OK , maybe I should n't let politics influence music , but that 's how I feel now .
28 ‘ It is hard to put into words how I feel now . ’
29 Oh , that 's how I feel now !
30 do you know how I feel now , I said if she ai n't saying yeah I 'm gon na
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