Example sentences of "her so [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 A community nurse was visiting her so that she would n't get too lonely and depressed .
2 She describes how a porpoise appeared and guided her so that she was being carried with the tide , and then helped her to a section of shallow water .
3 She saw how the dark room had filled with transparent figures who marched along the walls singing and mocking , who wrapped themselves around her so that she was suffocated in their embrace , then turned to broken bricks and choking mortar dust which cascaded in torrents on to her , flattening her to the bed so that her limbs ached with pain and she could n't move .
4 The experience of being molested once as a child and then a man jumping in her car at 21 yrs and her running away remained with her so that she has persistent fear of being attacked and the sense of someone being behind her .
5 Even if it meant disturbing her , waking her so that she cried when put down again , she must be lifted up in Alice 's arms , held close to her and kissed goodbye .
6 He took her arm , and held it firmly by its crooked elbow , propelling her so that she did not collide with the crowds of people , and she liked to have it held .
7 The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders , sitting astride her so that she could n't move .
8 Antoine faltered , sagging against her so that she could barely sustain his weight .
9 And though she half hoped that Friend would wheel alongside her so that she could ignore him , he did n't appear .
10 The universe inside her mind exploded her out from its centre of I and other beings poured into her so that she knew their inner selves .
11 ‘ She 's wearing herself out getting him to notice her so that she can pretend to ignore him . ’
12 He kept his face turned away from her so that she would n't see that he was n't telling the whole truth .
13 Quickly , Alina stepped around her so that she could hold Sandy 's head in both of her hands ; Sandy made a weak attempt to struggle , but it was like fighting a rock .
14 I have not yet beckoned to her so that she will come running to me , so that I shall lie with her today and tonight and tomorrow , and for a great many tomorrows .
15 Jehan took the tray of cakes out of her hands , and then he grinned ferociously at her so that she backed hastily away .
16 With an effort , she drove from her mind the thought of the return journey , filling it instead with the experience of the moment , absorbing the sights , the impressions and sensations , storing them in her brain , wishing she had a notebook with her so that she could record them in all their vividness and immediacy .
17 And now what she had to do was maintain her temper at white heat until he had pumped his pleasure into her so that she would not lose her nerve — and possibly her satin — by cringing away from him at that vital last moment — vital for him , fatal perhaps for her — and pleading with him not to make her pregnant .
18 I am training her so that she can cook for royalty , ’ Auguste declared grandly .
19 Alyssia lay perfectly still under the warmth of the sun 's rays , enjoying the way the heat wrapped itself around her so that she did n't feel like moving .
20 I offered to escort her so that she could make assignations with Rizzi .
21 Twice she made the kind of excuse that people made at cocktail parties when they wanted to extricate themselves from a conversation and move on to talk with another guest , but five minutes later he was back at her side again , bending closer and closer towards her so that she became unpleasantly aware of the stale , alcoholic aura of his breath .
22 But she did not pull away , and when he moved nearer still , holding her as though she was infinitely fragile , and turned her so that she was fully in his arms , her head on his shoulder , he did it so slowly that Sally-Anne felt not fear , but reassurance .
23 Kate sat quite still , trying hard not to let the panic that she felt overwhelm her so that she ran screaming out into the still hot afternoon .
24 He had manoeuvred her just right , pressing her into the tightest corner , standing squarely in front of her so that she had no choice but to stare into his dark , angry face .
25 The boy carried her out into the snow and pushed her into the ground , turning her so that she faced the tent and the cluster of trees that formed their crude and failing shelter .
26 Sometimes she brings her children with her , which I do n't much like , and sometimes she leaves them with her sister , which I like even less , because for her to have her two children minded for her so that she can mind my one is simply crazy .
27 Guido had come to a halt , turning round to face her so that she almost ran right into him .
28 as if the kiss he had forced from her had been forgotten , he released her and swivelled , abruptly leaving her so that she had to follow like a servant at his heels .
29 ‘ I would imagine she wanted you to tell her so that she can tell Alan , and he wo n't expect anyone to produce the actual tissue-typing results while they 're there . ’
30 Yet somehow Paige had always felt protective of her cousin , covering up for her so that she did n't get into trouble with her parents .
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