Example sentences of "her or [verb] she " in BNC.

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1 And does she carry her clothes about with her or does she
2 by dismissing her or subjecting her to any detriment which results in her dismissal or consists in or involves her demotion .
3 They were not to feed her or coax her , and any food refused was to be removed without comment .
4 It seems transparently obvious that Sinead , love her or loathe her , does possess those qualities .
5 Love her or loathe her , odds are that in the bestseller stakes Lady Thatcher will be nudging Catherine Cookson all the way to Christmas .
6 not , not even like in the right situation , she 's like just aggressive all the time and nobody particularly gets on with her or likes her because of this .
7 Presumably he should have shot her or let her drown , rather than make a present of her to the French , but there were some things Karelius could not bring himself to do .
8 He had never made a secret of what he wanted from her , and pretending he enjoyed her company , pretending he wanted to laugh with her or show her his favourite places in Rome , was n't part of it .
9 It 'll either kill her or make her pass the sand . ’
10 He 'd be very unlikely to stay with her or marry her , particularly with a knighthood in the offing .
11 In his absence she 'd been as nervy as a wildcat , jumping a mile every time someone spoke to her or touched her on the shoulder , expecting him to turn up out of the blue as he 'd made a habit of doing .
12 With a burst of self-pity , she mentally reviled Hank for never talking to her or telling her what he was going to do .
13 She had been phoning people who might go to Greece with her or drive her there or , failing that , pay her air-fare , and eventually she succeeded in getting a loan from an aunt and an offer of a place in a minibus from an old schoolfellow and her boyfriend .
14 I do not know whether we dragons loved her or hated her ; her will was like iron , as fast clad as our scaled hides , but her heart was like a songbird in the morning and she was as lovely as the lilies of the field .
15 You may have loved her or hated her , agreed with her or violently opposed her , but not even her worst enemy could have accused her of spinelessness or a desire to be shielded from life 's little unpleasantnesses .
16 Then , when his owner wanted to catch him she would grab the rope which was trailing on the ground , and take possession of his head before he managed to rear up on her or kick her with his hind legs .
17 It begged male comps faced with a female colleague to " Be kind to her if you ca n't wed her or shift her , " and went on : State broadly and fully wherein we are sinners Remembering that many of us are breadwinners For mothers and sisters whom we must assist , hence We claim with yourselves equal right to existence
18 Hate her or love her , the children were always well fed .
19 When a mother cat wants her kittens to come near to her or to follow her , she gives a soft little CHIRRUPING noise .
20 Urquhart had broken off the lamp flex for a purpose — to strangle her or tie her up , or both .
21 If anybody has seen her or knows her whereabouts could you please contact B B C Radio York immediately all right ?
22 It is , however , the case that the man who approaches the whore as a client , on her terms that is , is usually mocked in the fabliau : see , for example , Le Prestre et Alison , described in Chapter 1 , or La vieille Truande , " The old beggarwoman " , in which an old woman manipulates an attractive young squire into either " embracing " her or carrying her across a river — an act which in fact becomes a physical embrace — to " " la grans risee " " , " the great laughter " , of the witnesses .
23 The old woman lay in her hammock , sleeping ; it was a time when she had taken a heavy dose , and he was able to lead Ariel out and let her walk before him , now and then turning to make sure he was not about to do something to her , put a halter on her or hit her , and she made for the fence and pointed over it and asked him with her hands and eyes if she could go there , beyond the stockade , into the receding forest , where the bromeliads pushed out their stiff blades , and the monkeys nibbled at mango fruits and threw them down when they were unripe with tiny rows of toothmarks like some sharp-fanged fairy child 's , where the birds of many colours screeched .
24 And then suddenly he did stop and she was all sticky and messy and she thought he would speak to her now and comfort her or beg her in his whisper to kiss him , as he had done under the bridge the other nights they 'd met .
25 ‘ Nobody cared for her or wanted her , she was alone and forsaken like a worthless rag . ’
26 ‘ Lisa was in constant agony , but I could n't even comfort her or give her a cuddle because of the plaster . ’
27 She nearly always does go to bed with me , if I shout at her a lot or threaten her or give her enough money .
28 I treated her rotten whilst I was studying like I would n't take time off studying to go and see her or phone her when I saw her as often as I could , every weekend
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