Example sentences of "her out [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although her mum was upset and her dad was cross they did n't chuck her out but have been very supportive and she still lives at home with her two-year-old son .
2 and , he 'd got her up and got her ready and sent her out and said he would n't come .
3 But presumably he must have taken a shine , as the expression went , to Celia , particularly as he had gone to such trouble to seek her out and visit her at the Meadhaven Clinic .
4 He takes her out and spoils her rotten like !
5 Do n't shut her out and turn to me , as you did with Isabelle .
6 He followed her out and stared where she pointed .
7 ‘ After the rape he pushed her out and drove off , ’ said a Scotland Yard spokesman .
8 And she teased her out and straightened her up a little , and then she went over to the makeup table and tore off a length of the soft toilet roll that she used instead of Kleenex , and then she sat on the floor beside Lucy and put her arm around her shoulders .
9 I 'd fetch her home , clean her up , straighten her out and take care of her for as long as she 'd let me , but the call of the wild was strong and after a few days of sleeping on the couch , she 'd vanish again .
10 She just needed someone to take an interest in her , someone to draw her out and tell her what time of day it was .
11 Mabel was too cold to move so he had to lift her out and carried her home to Mum .
12 Let me cross her out and put fifteen in there .
13 Damian pulled her out and shut the door , marching with her back down the corridors , his hand hard on her wrist , and as she went with him , hurrying to match those long strides , she understood and was horrified beyond belief .
14 But I want to scream and scream and smack her stupid face away , just wipe her out and have my things to myself .
15 When we used to go to town he used to get her out and carry her .
16 When the women went out into the fields to help their menfolk with the haymaking , it was noted , although no one passed a comment , that Bob sought her out and sat with her at 'lowance time .
17 And then as soon as they went away she got her out and sat and had a .
18 They played a lively game of Hide ‘ N ’ Seek , where the little hedgehog would crawl away to hide in the weeds or under pile of leaves and the big beast would seek her out and bark loudly when he found her .
19 She showed a distinctively un-retriever-like fear of water , so eventually I carried her out and set her afloat .
20 Had he singled her out or had she simply been the unfortunate rider nearest to him ?
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