Example sentences of "me just [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And let me just before we take the music remind you of er the front page of the daily mirror today .
2 Your letters are very much appreciated , and thank you especially for the Photos , which are not bad at all , and which handed to me just before we left Sian .
3 He gave them to me just before he died , and asked — ’
4 Finally , one of the students whom I had worked with a couple of summers previously came back to me just before I left post to discuss his third year project at Shrivenham and I was able to arrange for him to do a project involving the linking of a commercial graphical package to the expert system developed as part of the war time operation aid mentioned previously .
5 ‘ Later in the week he said he was falling in love with me and kissed me just before I got out of the car .
6 ‘ My husband gave it to me just after we married , ’ she said .
7 She really believed I would put up with anything she threw at me just so I could possess her .
8 She said you were using me just as she had been used .
9 And he said , today he phoned me just as I was going out and I did n't really sort of stop and talk to him very long .
10 She was n't changing her plans and returning , yet she seemed to be angrily tugging at me just as I was turning away .
11 He came racing towards me just as I got out , I had already shed my parachute in the aircraft to get out a little more schnell before he accosted me , I got the most bitter rollicking for leaving the aircraft outside his engineering hangar area .
12 Do you think you can vent your temper on me just as you please ?
13 And for another thing , he began to take an interest in me just when I was on the rebound from a very unhappy love affair — the kind of let-down that alters not just your life but even your nature .
14 ‘ Perhaps if you tell me just where you stand ? ’ she suggested shortly .
15 At least the manager did n't pounce on me just because I shut my eyes for a few moments . ’
16 The Council of Ten in Venice have sent three assassins against me just because I borrowed some of their gold and forgot to repay it .
17 You leave me just because I 'm eating an egg sandwich !
18 Why should I be debarred from a career in an area that interests me just because you 're a Grand Prix driver ? ’
19 And you wo n't get any more answers out of me just because you started to … started to … ’
20 I love you too much and I 'm not going to let you walk over me just because your wife found out about our affair .
21 But I do not want you to marry me just because your parents wanted it .
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