Example sentences of "me and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We all four ducked , there was a vivid white flash , the road on which I was crouching split in several directions , deep black crevices , then stuff came down on me and numbed my back and head .
2 Well , I used to wait for her , trembling like a leaf ; then she would come behind me and bump me , and down I would go , down , down , down , into hell and wake up screaming and our Charlie shaking the life out of me … ’
3 Instead of getting someone to calm me down and talk to me , a whole bunch of them came and jumped on me and rushed me down to the block and left me there .
4 When our storage duties were done we shook hands and I drew her to me and kissed her .
5 But I soon felt calmer when he came to meet me and kissed me .
6 He put his arm round me and kissed me ! ’
7 Last week , he grabbed me and kissed me passionately .
8 ‘ Later in the week he said he was falling in love with me and kissed me just before I got out of the car .
9 He sent his parents a letter promising that ‘ if the good Lord God be merciful unto me and bring me safe home again , I will all the days of my life serve Him in praising His Holy name and exhorting others ’ .
10 I am simply going to sit in his studio for perhaps three hours for the mornings of the next few weeks and Murphy shall take me and bring me back and Lyddy shall sit close by me and I will take Janet too if you would allow me — ’
11 I still have the very first letter I wrote from home : ‘ Please Mam , say you love me and bring me home ’ .
12 ‘ I saw the other riders up beside me and outbraked them .
13 ‘ Give Christine to me and follow me down . ’
14 God was saying in so many words : ‘ Because he trusted in me and put me first I will honour him .
15 This was a big step for me and put me on the road to caddying top tournaments at a very young age .
16 Arrest me and put me on a diet fast !
17 Eventually my father took me to my room , undressed me and put me to bed .
18 She said and Bobby says she do n't he said I was laying on the floor the other night and she came down beside with me and put her arm round me as we were laying there he said I 'll never do anything he said cos if you started playing about with her she 'll , you know childlike and and he said she would n't erm show her affection any more .
19 ‘ He used to buy slimming magazines for me and put them in my bag , ’ remembers Victoria , who lives in Manchester .
20 He took it from me and put it on the mantelpiece .
21 ‘ Did n't you see him take it from me and put it inside his own shirt ?
22 I 've brought a bottle with me and put it in the fridge .
23 me and put it on
24 I 'll take you up with me and put you to bed . ’
25 ‘ He — I knew what would happen — last time he — he started — he got Gary off me and left him — in his cot , he was screaming , he were scared-he was rough you see he gets rough when he 's drunk , he does n't think — ’
26 I closed the door behind me and locked it .
27 He looked at me and chewed his bottom lip as if searching for a remnant of breakfast .
28 The delay was enough for Clerval to catch me and seize me from behind .
29 He used to make my life very uncomfortable — abusing me and pushing me around — but I never had the guts to hit him because he was so big .
30 Her mouth was everywhere , biting me and sucking my mouth and kissing me , and her fingers pinched and stroked her legs coiled round my legs until every bit of me was throbbing and burning and twitching and I was only conscious of never wanting it to stop .
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